
Configurable Builder API Mock Server

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Configurable Builder API Mock Server

Instantiates a server that listens for Builder API (https://github.com/ethereum/builder-specs/) directives and responds with payloads built using an execution client.

Currently, the builder will produce payloads with the following correct fields:

  • PrevRandao
  • Timestamp
  • SuggestedFeeRecipient
  • Withdrawals

For the builder to function properly, the following parameters are necessary:

  • Execution client: Required to build the payloads
  • Beacon client: Required to fetch the state of the previous slot, and calculate, e.g., the prevrandao value


To install mock-builder, you need to have Go installed on your machine. Once Go is installed, you can clone the repository and build the project.

git clone https://github.com/marioevz/mock-builder.git
cd mock-builder
go build .

Default config

The default secret key of the mock builder is 0x000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f, which always yields the public key 0x95fde78acd5f6886ddaf5d0056610167c513d09c1c0efabbc7cdcc69beea113779c4a81e2d24daafc5387dbf6ac5fe48.

Mock Payload Building

The builder can inject modifications into the built payloads at predefined slots by using configurable callbacks:

  • Before sending the ForkchoiceUpdated directive to the execution client, by modifying the payload attributes, using WithPayloadAttributesModifier option
  • Before responding with the build payload to the consensus client by modifying the any field in the payload, using WithPayloadModifier option

Both callbacks are supplied with either the PayloadAttributesV1/PayloadAttributesV2 or the ExecutionPayloadV1/ExecutionPayloadV2 object, and the beacon slot number of the payload request.

The callbacks must respond with a boolean indicating whether any modification was performed, and an error, if any.

Predefined invalidation can also be configured by using WithPayloadInvalidatorAtEpoch, WithPayloadInvalidatorAtSlot, WithPayloadAttributesInvalidatorAtEpoch or WithPayloadAttributesInvalidatorAtSlot.

Payload Invalidation Types

  • state_root: Inserts a random state root value in the built payload. Payload can only be deemed invalid after the payload has been unblinded
  • parent_hash: Inserts a random parent hash value in the built payload. Payload can be deemed invalid without needing to unblind
  • coinbase: Inserts a random address as coinbase in the built payload. Payload is not invalid
  • base_fee: Increases the base fee value by 1 in the built payload. Payload can only be deemed invalid after the payload has been unblinded
  • uncle_hash: Inserts a random uncle hash value in the built payload. Payload can be deemed invalid without needing to unblind
  • receipt_hash: Inserts a random receipt hash value in the built payload. Payload can only be deemed invalid after the payload has been unblinded

Payload Attributes Invalidation Types

  • remove_withdrawal: Removes a withdrawal from the correct list of expected withdrawals
  • extra_withdrawal: Inserts an extra withdrawal to the correct list of expected withdrawals
  • withdrawal_address, withdrawal_amount, withdrawal_validator_index, withdrawal_index: Invalidates a single withdrawal from the correct list of expected withdrawals
  • timestamp: Modifies the expected timestamp value of the block (-2 epochs)
  • prevrandao/random: Modifies the expected prevrandao

The builder can also be configured to insert an error on:

  • /eth/v1/builder/header/{slot}/{parent_hash}/{pubkey} using WithErrorOnHeaderRequest option
  • /eth/v1/builder/blinded_blocks using WithErrorOnPayloadReveal option

Both callbacks are supplied with the beacon slot number of the payload/blinded block request.

The callback can then use the slot number to determine whether to throw an error or not.

Mock Builder REST API

Mock Error

  • DELETE /mock/errors/payload_request: Disables errors on /eth/v1/builder/header/...
  • POST /mock/errors/payload_request: Enables errors on /eth/v1/builder/header/...
  • POST /mock/errors/payload_request/<slot|epoch>/{slot/epoch number}: Enables errors on /eth/v1/builder/header/... starting at the slot or epoch specified
  • DELETE /mock/errors/payload_reveal: Disables errors on /eth/v1/builder/blinded_blocks
  • POST /mock/errors/payload_reveal: Enables errors on /eth/v1/builder/blinded_blocks
  • POST /mock/errors/payload_reveal/<slot|epoch>/{slot/epoch number}: Enables errors on /eth/v1/builder/blinded_blocks starting at the slot or epoch specified

Mock Built Payloads

  • DELETE /mock/invalid/payload_attributes: Disables any payload attributes modification

  • POST /mock/invalid/payload_attributes/{type}: Enables specified type payload attributes modification

  • POST /mock/invalid/payload_attributes/{type}/<slot|epoch>/{slot/epoch number}: Enables specified type payload attributes modification starting at the slot or epoch specified

  • DELETE /mock/invalid/payload: Disables any modification to payload built

  • POST /mock/invalid/payload/{type}: Enables specified type of modification to payload built

  • POST /mock/invalid/payload/{type}/<slot|epoch>/{slot/epoch number}: Enables specified type of modification to payload built starting at the slot or epoch specified


  • GET /mock/stats/validation_errors: Returns a JSON containing all the errors encountered when validating the submitted signed blinded responses from the consensus client (e.g. Invalid signature on submitted blinded block, invalid signature on submitted blinded blob sidecar)