
Using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with explicit and implicit updates to fit large-scale statistical models.

Primary LanguageR


Research paper

This is the accompanying code implementation of the methods and algorithms presented

Panos Toulis, Jason Rennie, Edoardo Airoldi, 
"Statistical analysis of stochastic gradient methods for generalized linear models", 
ICML, Beijing, China, 2014.

We will refer to this paper as (Toulis et. al., 2014) in what follows.

Model overview

Assume we have a model that produces observations

    y_t  ~  f(theta*)

for t = 1,2... theta* = parameter vector in R^p and y_t are one-dimensional observations, indexed by t.

General methods in online learning (such as stochastic gradient descent) are using stochastic approximation methods that are of the form:

    theta_t = theta_{t-1} + a_t * S'(yt; theta_{t-1})     (1)

where S'(.) is the Fisher score function (gradient of log-likelihood). The implicit method is a simple twist in (1) as

    theta_t = theta_{t-1} + a_t * S'(yt; theta_t)     (2)

where the Fisher score is evaluated in the future iterate.

Such updates have long been known to possess desirable stability properties in numerical analysis (e.g. Crank-Nicholson method) and in signal processing (e.g. NLMS filter) However, they haven't gained popularity because it is usually hard to calculate (2).

It is shown by Toulis et. al. (2014) that for the GLM family (2) can be written as

 theta_t = theta_{t-1} + a_t * (y_t - h(x_t' theta_t)     (3)

and that this is equivalent to

  ξ_t = g(ξ_t)   (4)

where ξ_t is a real variable. In other words, the implicit update in (3) is reduced to a one-dimensional implicit equation (4). Furthermore, solving (4) can be computationally easy because efficient search bounds are obtainable.

Main results

The main results in (Toulis et. al., 2014) can be summarized as follows:

  • Implicit methods can be efficiently applied in the GLM family using Equation (4).

  • SGD and Implicit methods (Eq. (2) + (3)) in the GLM family are asymptotically equivalent. Exact formulas for the bias and variance can be derived for both methods, showing that the two methods have the same asymptotic bias and efficiency.

  • The Implicit method is more biased in small samples, however it exhibits smaller empirical variance of the estimates. This is because the Implicit method is "unconditionally stable", whereas the typical SGD is not.

Code Terminology

There are several terms/keywords defined in this project. To clarify, we use the terms as follows:

  • DATAPOINT is defined as a LIST(xt, yt) where xt = (p x 1) vector, and yt is real. Then a DATASET is a LIST(X, Y) where X = (niters x p) and Y = (niters x 1).

  • An EXPERIMENT is a list comprised by

    • theta.star = (p x 1) vector of real values,
    • p = length(theta.star) = #parameters. (that is a terrible name..)
    • niters = #iterations in the experiment
    • sample.dataset() = samples DATASET object
    • score.function() = \nabla loglik(theta, data_t) = px1 vector
    • learning.rate() = function (t, ...) = gives the learning rate at t > 0
    • Vx = covariance matrix of xt (covariates/features) i.e. Vx = Cov(xt)
    • J = Fisher information = E(h'(θ'x) x x')
  • An OnlineAlgorithm is a function with the following arguments

    • t = no. of iteration
    • onlineOutput = current OnlineOutput object.
    • data.history = DATASET object from 1:t.
    • experiment = EXPERIMENT object, has learning ratescore function

The idea is that the algorithm will use the data up to t, and the current estimates to create a new estimate. Usually, it will only need xt, yt, θt, i.e. only the data + estimate at the previous time point.

  • The OnlineOutput is the output of an OnlineAlgorithm. This is comprised by
    • estimates = (p x niters) matrix of estimate i.e. (theta_t)
    • last = last vector of estimates (length p)

Assume that we run the online algorithm for a specific experiment, k times.

  • A MultipleOnlineOutput object is the result of run.online.algorithm.many() and it is a LIST{algorithmName}{iteration} = matrix(p x nsamples) For example, something like out[[sgd.onlineAlgorithm]][[t]] = matrix(p x nsamples) having all the samples of θt (nsamples)

  • A MultipleOnlineOutputParam object (mulOutParams) defines all arguments to run many samples from run.online.algorithm: i.e. it is a LIST{experiment, nsamples, algos}.

  • A BENCHMARK is a LIST{mulOut, lowHigh, experiment} where

    • mulOut = MultipleOnlineOutput object (all data)
    • lowHigh = LIST{algoName}{lowhigh} = [] vector of values
    • experiment = EXPERIMENT that generated the data
    • draw = OPTIONAL drawing params
  • A processParams object defines the data transformation to multipleOnlineOutput. It is a LIST{vapply, theta.fn} where vapply = {T,F} defines whether we are transforming vectors of theta_t or F if we transform the entire matrix of theta_t samples. NEW: theta.t.fn is disabled. We made the following hard-coding if vapply = T then theta.fn = default.bias.dist() "" = F then theta.fn = default.var.dist()

  • An object BenchmarkParams defines what we need to create a BENCHMARK i.e, LIST{name, mulOutParams, processParams}.