A Dockerfile to be used to build an image to create a container to start a webservice for local drupal development.
login : root password: ub ==> replace password when using it
mysql : root password: mypwd ==> replace password when using it
to create and execute the container :
checkout your drupal development code in /path/to/drupal7
create sites/default/files and sites/default/settings.php if they not exists and make them writable as needed
To keep your database between container starts, create a directory sites/default/files/mysql
Now you are ready to start the webservice:
cd /path/to/drupal7
docker run -d -v `pwd`sites/default/files/mysql:/var/lib/mysql -v `pwd`:/var/www fjmk/docker-drupal-dev
real markdown in README.md
Find the IP of the docker container:
docker inspect `docker ps -q -l` | grep IPAddress | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '",/n'
*NOTE: The **first** time you start the container you have to wait ~25 seconds before starting the browser* Start your browser: http://<container_ip>/ or http://<container_ip>/install.php
### Software installed
- sshd
- ubuntu 13.10
- apache 2.4.6
- php 5.5.3
- mysql 5.5
- opcache is configured
- xdebug remote is configured
- drush master branch (works for drupal 8)
- composer
### Advanced use.
Login to the container:
ssh root@ --> password ub
Add your own ssh key to login without password:
ssh-copy-id root@<container_ip>
Howto use PHPStorm, xdebug and profiler
Create a drush command to start the container