
A drag and drop Kanban board for React Native.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Native DnD Board

A drag and drop Kanban board for React Native using Reanimated (V1) and React Native Gesture Handler.


Step 1:

Install Reanimated V1.

Step 2:

Install React Native Gesture Handler.

Make sure your MainActivity.java was updated by follow all Android instructions.

React Native Gesture Handler IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're using wix/react-native-navigation, please wrap your board screen using gestureHandlerRootHOC (View RNGH docs for more details). If not do it, your board won't work.

Step 3:

Install this package using npm or yarn

with npm:

npm install react-native-dnd-board

with yarn:

yarn add react-native-dnd-board

API reference

The package exports a Board component which is the one you'd use to render the dnd board and a Repository class to handle column, row layout.


Property Type Required Description
repository Repository yes Object that holds data
renderRow ({ item, index }) => {} yes Function responsible for rendering row item
renderColumnWrapper ({ item, index, columnComponent, layoutProps }) => {} yes Function responsible for rendering wrapper of the column
onRowPress (row) => {} no Function invoked when row pressed
onDragStart () => {} no Function invoked when drag is started
onDragEnd (fromColumnId, toColumnId, row) => {} no Function invoked when drag is finished
style StyleProp no Style of the board
columnWidth number no Initial min column width
accessoryRight function|View no Render end of the board. Useful when rendering virtual add more column.
activeRowStyle StyleProp no A custom style for the row when being dragged.
activeRowRotation number no Degrees to rotate the row when being dragged. Default is 8.
xScrollThreshold number no Offset from X to calculate scroll from. Default is 50.
yScrollThreshold number no Offset from Y for the rows. Default is 50.
dragSpeedFactor number no When dragging you can accelerate the scrollTo position. Default is 1.


Update repository data:


Handle column data:

repository.updateColumn(columnId, data);

Handle row data:

repository.addRow(columnId, data);
repository.updateRow(rowId, data);

Get rows with index updated:

const { rows } = repository.getItemsChanged();



You need to build Repository

import Board, { Repository } from "react-native-dnd-board";

const mockData = [
    id: "1",
    name: "Column 1",
    rows: [
        id: "11",
        name: "Row 1 (Column 1)",
        id: "12",
        name: "Row 2 (Column 1)",
    id: "2",
    name: "Column 2",
    rows: [
        id: "21",
        name: "Row 1 (Column 2)",

const [repository, setRepository] = useState(new Repository(mockData));

Render the Board


renderColumnWrapper function

const renderColumnWrapper = ({ item, columnComponent, layoutProps }) => {
  return (
    <View style={styles.column} {...layoutProps}>
      <Text style={styles.columnName}>{item.name}</Text>

IMPORTANT: You need pass layoutProps to wrapper view props and columnComponent must be rendered inside renderColumnWrapper fuction.

See example for more details.


We're trying to improve board performance. If you have a better solution, please open a issue or pull request. Best regards!