
A PHP class built to interface with the Sendy API

Primary LanguagePHP

SendyPHP Build Status

A PHP class built to interface with the Sendy API (http://sendy.co)


Using Composer

Begin by installing this package through Composer. Edit your project's composer.json file to require jacobbennett/sendyphp.

"require": {
	"jacobbennett/sendyphp": "dev-master"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update


Create an instance of the class while passing in an array including your API key, installation URL, and the List ID you wish to work with.

	use \SendyPHP\SendyPHP;
	$sendy = new SendyPHP('http://updates.mydomain.com', 'yourapiKEYHERE'm 'your_list_id_goes_here');
	//you can change the list_id you are referring to at any point

#Methods After creating a new instance of SendyPHP call any of the methods below

##Return Values The return value of any of the functions which interact directly with Sendy will always be an instance of SendyResponse, which have two public methods:

  • isSuccessful() - Indicating if the request will be successful
  • getResult() - Return the raw response informed by Sendy

This library have PHPDoc comments, which make the code easy to understand at all.

##subscribe(array $values)

This method takes an array of $values and will attempt to add the $values into the list specified in $list_id

	$result = $sendy->subscribe(array(
						'email' => 'Jim@gmail.com', //this is the only field required by sendy
						'customfield1' => 'customValue'

Note: Be sure to add any custom fields to the list in Sendy before utilizing them inside this library. Another Note: If a user is already subscribed to the list, the library will return a SendyResponse which return 'Already Subscribed' on his call to getResult().


Unsubscribes the provided e-mail address (if it exists) from the current list.

	$result = $sendy->unsubscribe('test@testing.com');


Returns the status of the user with the provided e-mail address (if it exists) in the current list.

	$results = $sendy->getStatus('test@testing.com');

Note: refer to the code or see http://sendy.co/api for the types of return messages you can expect.


Returns the number of subscribers to the current list.

	$result = $sendy->getSubscribersCount();
	echo $result->getResult(); // The number of subscribers in the list

##setListId($list_id) and getListId()

Change or get the list you are currently working with.

	//set or switch the list id
	//get the current list id
	echo $sendy->getListId();