
👑 Elessar theme for Oh My Zsh!

MIT LicenseMIT

Elessar theme

Theme based on Gitster.

Elessar demo

FiraCode typography was used in this demo


  1. z shell
  2. Oh My Zsh
  3. A Powerline Font must be installed and used in your terminal


First download Elessar theme:

  $ mkdir -p $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes && curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fjpalacios/elessar-theme/master/elessar.zsh-theme -L -o $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/elessar.zsh-theme

Then set the theme in your ~/.zshrc file:



Multiline: Now you have a local multiline=false initial line of configuration. The default appearance is the same as always, but now you have the option to turn your favorite prompt into a multi-line one. Just by switching local multiline=false into local multiline=true.

Directory first: With local directoryFirst=false in config file, you can change the prompt's elements position to be like rubbyrussel theme. For this porpose, just switch local directoryFirst=false into local directoryFirst=true


Feel free to send a PR to improve this theme!