
TinyML for STM32F407 using different frameworks in C and C++ with Keil uVision IDE.

Primary LanguageC

TinyML using different frameworks applied to STM32F407 uC


CubeMX code must be generated for every project, since libraries are included in .gitignore. For TFLite projects, the auto-generated main must be changed to .cpp and must be merged with the latest changes from main.c.-

Development IDE: Keil uVision v6


Modify the following parameters in CubeMXAI\003MagicWand\Middlewares\Third_Party\MachineLearning\edgeimpulse\model-parameters\model_metadata.h: #define EI_CLASSIFIER_RAW_SAMPLE_COUNT 200 #define EI_CLASSIFIER_INTERVAL_MS 10 #define EI_CLASSIFIER_FREQUENCY 100

Disable the following files for compilation:

  • BasicMathFunctionsF16.c
  • CommoTablesF16.c
  • TransformFunctionsF16.c

