
An extensible MDA Java class generator using UML class diagram and Epsilon

Primary LanguageJava


An extensible MDA Java class generator using UML class diagram and Epsilon

Authors : Francois Moreews and Kevin Courtet - 2018

A proof of concept of a simple and flexible model driven custom JPA Class generator

  • using UML class diagram (XMI format)

  • Epsilon EGL

  • tested with Modelio /UML 3 export



  • need Java, minimum version 8
  • better on Linux systems (optional bash scripts)


cd uml2jpa
#input model is example/model1.uml (XMI format genarated from modelio /UML 3 export  )

bash ./generate_test1.sh 
# or
ant test
ls example/test1/gen/
cp -r example/test1/gen src/


  • create your own model as a class diagram from an UML designer tool
  • add constraints in attributes with real Java annotation syntax (except @ char), (e.g. javax.validation.constraints.* )
  • export your class diagram as XMI (e.g. example/model1.uml)
  • ant test
  • ls example/gen/


See more information of UML association :

use UML and diffrent type of association present in UML model:

  • 3 association : simple, aggregation, shared
  • 3 cardinality : one to one, one to many, many to one Becarful, not all association work :
  • simple association only work with one to one
  • other association only work with one to many