
A project to monitor user's tweets using Django RestFramework and React.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT

Twitter Monitor

This project was built using the Django React Boilerplate.

How to test django-admin startproject

If you made changes to this boilerplate and want to test them, commit your changes and use git archive -o boilerplate.zip HEAD to create the template zip.

How to test Heroku deployment

Push your changes to a branch and visit https://dashboard.heroku.com/new?template=https://github.com/fill-org-or-user/fill-project-repo-name/tree/fill-branch (replace all fill).

How to add a 'Deploy to Heroku' button

Read this.

p.s. if you want to deploy in a different way please take a look the app.json file for what needs to be configured.



  • Create a copy of {{project_name}}/settings/local.py.example in {{project_name}}/settings/local.py
  • Create a .env file in the root of the project and add DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE="{{project_name}}.settings.local" to it
  • Create the migrations for users app: python manage.py makemigrations
  • Run the migrations: python manage.py migrate


Running the project

  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • npm install
  • make bundle
  • python manage.py runserver


make test

Will run django tests using --keepdb and --parallel. You may pass a path to the desired test module in the make command. E.g.:

make test someapp.tests.test_views

Adding new pypi libs

Add high level dependecies to requirements-to-freeze.txt and pip freeze > requirements.txt. This is A Better Pip Workflow.

Checking lint

  • Manually with flake8 and npm run lint on project root.
  • During development with an editor compatible with flake8 and ESLint.

Pre-commit hooks

  • Run pre-commit install to enable the hook into your git repo. The hook will run automatically for each commit.
  • Run git commit -m "Your message" -n to skip the hook if you need.