
MQL's SQLite3 DLL Wrapper for both 32bit MT4 and 64 bit MT5.

Primary LanguageMQL5OtherNOASSERTION


SQLite3 binding for the MQL language (both 32bit MT4 and 64bit MT5)

The library is for the latest 2020 MT4 and MT5 users who are using:


This is a complete binding of the SQLite3 library (latest version 33001000) for the MQL4/5 language used by MetaTrader4/5.

How To

Getting DLL

  1. Download SQLite3 DLL from https://sqlite.org/download.html such as:
    • sqlite-dll-win32-x86-3300100.zip (32bit for MT4)
    • sqlite-dll-win64-x64-3300100.zip (64bit for MT5)
  2. Extract and place "sqlite3.dll" in your MT4/MT5 "Libraries" folder.

Getting Source code

  1. Download the source code from https://github.com/Kiminasium/sqlite3-mql-wrapper.git
  2. Place "SQL" folder in your MT4/MT5 "Include" folder.



#include <SQL/SQL.mqh>

SQL sql_;

* @OnInit
int OnInit()
    // Print version

#ifdef __MQL5__
   string fpath = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH) + "\\MQL5\\Files\\SQLite\\";
   string fpath = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH) + "\\MQL4\\Files\\SQLite\\";

    // Initialize DB
    if (!sql_.initialize(fpath + "test.db")) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    // Drop table if exists
    if (sql_.sqlite_table_exists("test")) {
        string query = "drop table test";

        if (!sql_.sqlite_exec(query)) {
            return INIT_FAILED;

    // Create table
    string query = "create table test (a int, b text)";
    if (!sql_.sqlite_exec(query)) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    // Insert Data 1
    query = "insert into test values (12345, 'ABCDE')";
    if (!sql_.sqlite_exec(query)) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    // Insert Data 2
    query = "insert into test values (67891, 'FGHIJ')";
    if (!sql_.sqlite_exec(query)) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    // Select Data
    query = "select a, b from test";
    void* handle = sql_.sqlite_query(query);

    if (handle == NULL) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    // Search next row
    while (sql_.sqlite_next_row(handle)) {
        Print("cols = ", sql_.sqlite_get_col_count(handle));

        int a = sql_.sqlite_get_col_int(handle, 0);
        Print("a = ", a);

        string b = sql_.sqlite_get_col_string(handle, 1);
        Print("b = ", b);
    // Call the free function after sqlite_query()

    // Update Data
    query = "update test set a = 77777, b = 'XXXXX' where a = 67891";
    if (!sql_.sqlite_exec(query)) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    query = "select a, b from test";
    handle = sql_.sqlite_query(query);

    if (handle == NULL) {
        return INIT_FAILED;

    while (sql_.sqlite_next_row(handle)) {
        Print("cols = ", sql_.sqlite_get_col_count(handle));

        int a = sql_.sqlite_get_col_int(handle, 0);
        Print("a = ", a);

        string b = sql_.sqlite_get_col_string(handle, 1);
        Print("b = ", b);

    // Finalize
    return 0;


2020.01.15 22:29:23.842 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) 3030001
2020.01.15 22:29:23.843 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) 3.30.1
2020.01.15 22:29:23.843 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) 2019-10-10 20:19:45 18db032d058f1436ce3dea84081f4ee5a0f2259ad97301d43c426bc7f3df1b0b
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) cols = 2
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) a = 12345
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) b = ABCDE
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) cols = 2
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) a = 67891
2020.01.15 22:29:23.880 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) b = FGHIJ
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) cols = 2
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) a = 12345
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) b = ABCDE
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) cols = 2
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) a = 77777
2020.01.15 22:29:23.890 SQLiteTest (USDJPY,M5) b = XXXXX


  • Just tested only the Example APIs. I have not tested any other SQLite3 wrapper APIs.
  • Easily use and test the APIs, so check for yourself and add your functions to "SQL.mqh".
  • Even with MT4, this will be faster processing than https://github.com/Shmuma/sqlite3-mt4-wrapper