[ICML 2020] InfoGAN-CR and ModelCentrality: Self-supervised Model Training and Selection for Disentangling GANs

Primary LanguagePython

InfoGAN-CR and ModelCentrality: Self-supervised Model Training and Selection for Disentangling GANs

Previous title: InfoGAN-CR: Disentangling Generative Adversarial Networks with Contrastive Regularizers

[paper (arXiv)] [paper (ICML)] [code]

Authors: Zinan Lin, Kiran Koshy Thekumparampil, Giulia Fanti, Sewoong Oh

Abstract: Disentangled generative models map a latent code vector to a target space, while enforcing that a subset of the learned latent codes are interpretable and associated with distinct properties of the target distribution. Recent advances have been dominated by Variational AutoEncoder (VAE)-based methods, while training disentangled generative adversarial networks (GANs) remains challenging. In this work, we show that the dominant challenges facing disentangled GANs can be mitigated through the use of self-supervision. We make two main contributions: first, we design a novel approach for training disentangled GANs with self-supervision. We propose contrastive regularizer, which is inspired by a natural notion of disentanglement: latent traversal. This achieves higher disentanglement scores than state-of-the-art VAE- and GAN-based approaches. Second, we propose an unsupervised model selection scheme called ModelCentrality, which uses generated synthetic samples to compute the medoid (multi-dimensional generalization of median) of a collection of models. Perhaps surprisingly, this unsupervised ModelCentrality is able to select a model that outperforms those trained with existing supervised hyper-parameter selection techniques. Combining contrastive regularization with ModelCentrality, we obtain state-of-the-art disentanglement scores by a substantial margin, without requiring supervised hyper-parameter selection.

This repo contains the codes for generating datasets and reproducing results in paper. The codes were tested under Python 2.7.5, TensorFlow 1.4.0.


This repo contains our implementation of FactorVAE metric, BetaVAE metric, SAP, MIG, Explicitness, Modularity, DCI, and dHSIC. It also includes Inception Score, mode KL, and classifier confidence for dSprites discussed in our paper. The metrics are implemented in metric.py. You can choose to calculate any set of metrics during training for plotting the training curve, or calculate them only on the final trained model to save time. See below for the examples.

Preparing datasets

3D Teapot

3D Teapot dataset was originally proposed by Eastwood et al.. However, the code for generating this dataset was not published, thus we cannot calculate Kim & Mnih disentanglement metric which requires additional data. We try to reproduce the dataset, and make several extensions to it, based on this renderer by Pol Moreno. We provide all our codes for generating the datasets.

The datasets can be downloaded here.

The steps of running 3D Teapot dataset generator by your own are as follows:

  • git clone https://github.com/polmorenoc/opendr. (Or use my forked version: https://github.com/fjxmlzn/opendr)
  • Copy all files in 3D_teapot folder in this repo to opendr folder.
  • Follow the instructions on https://github.com/polmorenoc/opendr to install the required library, and download teapotModel.pkl to opendr/data folder.
  • cd opendr. Then you can run:
    • python generate_teapots_all_color_incomplete_rotation_up_light.py: this code tries to reproduce the original 3D Teapot dataset, which contains teapots with different colors, incomplete rotations, and the light source is from the top. Note that since we do not know the parameters (e.g., teapot size, shape translation) that the original dataset uses, the data generated by this code may be different from the original one.
    • python generate_teapots_fixed_color_complete_rotation_up_light.py: this code generates teapots with a fixed color, all possible rotations (uniformly), and the light source is from the top.
    • python generate_teapots_fixed_color_complete_rotation_uniform_light.py: this code generates teapots with a fixed color, all possible rotations (uniformly), and the direction of the light source is also uniformly random among all possibilities.

    Those three files are modified from generate_teapots.py.

  • After running the above codes, you will get the following files in a corresponding folder
├── data.npz
├── data.npz

train_data/data.npz contains samples for training, and metric_data/data.npz contains samples for evaluating Kim & Mnih disentanglement metric. Please copy them (keep directory structure) to the data folder in code (see below).


Download img_align_celeba.zip from https://www.kaggle.com/jessicali9530/celeba-dataset (or other source), and put it in CelebA folder. Then run python process_celeba.py. This code will crop and resize the images into 32x32x3 format. Please copy the generated data.npz to the data folder in code (see below).


Download dsprites_ndarray_co1sh3sc6or40x32y32_64x64.npz from https://github.com/deepmind/dsprites-dataset and put it in the data folder in code (see below).

Train InfoGAN-CR and FactorVAE

The codes are based on GPUTaskScheduler library, which helps you automatically schedule jobs among GPU nodes. Please install it first. You may need to change GPU configurations according to the devices you have. The configurations are set in config.py in each directory. Please refer to GPUTaskScheduler's GitHub page for details of how to make proper configurations.

You can also run these codes without GPUTaskScheduler. Just run python infogan_cr.py or python factorVAE.py in gan subfolders.

InfoGAN-CR, dSprites dataset

cd InfoGAN-CR_dSprites

Copy dSprites data files to data/dSprites.

cd gan
python train_DSpritesInceptionScore.py # train the network for evaluating inception score on dSrpites dataset
cd ..
python main.py

Compute all the metrics for the final trained model:

python main_final_metrics.py

FactorVAE, dSprites dataset

cd FactorVAE_dSprites

Copy dSprites data files to data/dSprites.

cd gan
python train_DSpritesInceptionScore.py # train the network for evaluating inception score on dSrpites dataset
cd ..
python main.py

Compute all the metrics for the final trained model:

python main_final_metrics.py

InfoGAN-CR, 3D teapot

cd InfoGAN-CR_3D_teapot

Copy 3D Teapot data files to data/3Dpots.

python main.py

Compute all the metrics for the final trained model:

python main_final_metrics.py

FactorVAE, 3D teapot

cd FactorVAE_3D_teapot

Copy 3D Teapot data files to data/3Dpots.

python main.py

Compute all the metrics for the final trained model:

python main_final_metrics.py

InfoGAN-CR, CelebA

cd InfoGAN-CR_CelebA

Copy CelebA data files to data/celeba.

python main.py

Notes on metric calculation

You can easily change the metrics that you want to calculate throughout training by modifying metric_callbacks list in gan_task.py or factorvae_task.py. You can also easily change the metrics that you want to calculate for the final trained model by modifying the metrics in gan_task_final_metrics.py or factorvae_task_final_metrics.py.

Select models with ModelCentrality

Assuming that you have already trained the models and evaluated the metrics with the steps in the previous section.

InfoGAN-CR, dSprites dataset

Go the code folder:

cd InfoGAN-CR_dSprites

Use the trained models to generate the images for metric evaluation:

python main_mc_generate_data.py

Compute cross-evaluation FactorVAE metrics:

python main_mc_cross_evaluation.py

Select models with ModelCentrality (the code prints the models in descending order according to ModelCentrality score):

python main_mc.py

FactorVAE, dSprites dataset

Go the code folder:

cd FactorVAE_dSprites

Use the trained models to generate the images for metric evaluation:

python main_mc_generate_data.py

Compute cross-evaluation FactorVAE metrics:

python main_mc_cross_evaluation.py

Select models with ModelCentrality (the code prints the models in descending order according to ModelCentrality score):

python main_mc.py

Pre-trained models

InfoGAN and InfoGAN-CR, dSprites

The checkpoints of InfoGAN (modified) and InfoGAN-CR for producing the results in Table 1 can be found here. This includes 50 runs of InfoGAN (modified) (in results/*/checkpoint/global_id-287999/model-287999) and 50 runs of InfoGAN-CR (in results/*/checkpoint/model-322559).

InfoGAN-CR, CelebA

cd InfoGAN-CR_CelebA

Copy CelebA data files to data/celeba.

Create a sub-folder results, download the pretrained model, and decompress it into results sub-folder.

python main_generate_latent_trans.py

This code will generate latent traversal images in results/cr_coe_increase-1.0,cr_coe_increase_batch-80000,cr_coe_increase_times-1,cr_coe_start-0.0,gap_decrease-0.0,gap_decrease_batch-1,gap_decrease_times-0,gap_start-0.0,info_coe_de-2.0,info_coe_infod-2.0,run-0,/latent_trans/.





The detailed explanation of the idea, architectures, hyperparameters, metrics, and experimental settings are given in the paper.