
Python API for http://coveralls.io

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Python interface to coveralls.io API

https://api.travis-ci.org/z4r/python-coveralls.png?branch=master https://coveralls.io/repos/z4r/python-coveralls/badge.png?branch=master Wheel Status

This package provides a module to interface with the https://coveralls.io API.


Using pip:

$ pip install python-coveralls

...Or simply add it to your requirements.


If you're not using Travis, Coveralls for Python uses a .coveralls.yml file at the root level of your repository to configure options. The only required option is repo_token (found on your repository's page on Coveralls) to specify which project on Coveralls your project maps to. Another important option is is service_name which allows you to specify where Coveralls should look to find additional information about your builds. This can be any string, but using travis-ci or travis-pro will allow Coveralls to fetch branch data, comment on pull requests, and more. A .coveralls.yml file configured for Travis Pro:

repo_token: abcdef1234569abdcef
service_name: travis-pro
parallel: true # if the CI is running your build in parallel

if you don't want the repo_token under source control, set it in your coveralls command:

COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=abcdef1234569abdcef coveralls


Create a .coverage file and you can use coverage, pytest-cov, or nosexcover. Then you can add in the after_success step:


It should look like something like:

language: python
  - "2.6"
  - "2.7"
  - pip install -e . --use-mirrors
  - pip install -r test_requirements.txt --use-mirrors
  - git clone https://github.com/z4r/python-coveralls-example.git
  - cd python-coveralls-example
  - git checkout -qf 17b8119796516195527dcb4f454a2ebd41d60244
  - py.test example/tests.py --cov=example
  - cd -
  - py.test coveralls/tests.py --doctest-modules --pep8 coveralls -v --cov coveralls --cov-report term-missing
  - coveralls


You probably don't need to configure anything, but if you customize some option of coverage you would add it to coveralls too:

$ coveralls -h
usage: coveralls [-h] [--coveralls_url COVERALLS_URL] [--base_dir BASE_DIR]
                 [--data_file DATA_FILE] [--config_file CONFIG_FILE]
                 [--coveralls_yaml COVERALLS_YAML] [--ignore-errors]
                 [--merge_file MERGE_FILE] [--nogit]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --coveralls_url COVERALLS_URL, -u COVERALLS_URL
                        coveralls.io api url
  --base_dir BASE_DIR, -b BASE_DIR
                        project root directory
  --data_file DATA_FILE, -d DATA_FILE
                        coverage file name
  --config_file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
                        coverage config file name
  --coveralls_yaml COVERALLS_YAML, -y COVERALLS_YAML
                        coveralls yaml file name
  --ignore-errors, -i   ignore errors while reading source files
  --merge_file MERGE_FILE, -m MERGE_FILE
                        json file containing coverage data to be merged (for
                        merging javascript coverage)
  --nogit               do not gather git repo info
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