
Duck is a very fast utility to find largest directories or files

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

DUCK - (D)isk(U)sage(CK)

Duck is a very fast utility to find largest directories or files

Illustrator: Ekaterina [t.me/@kateUV]

To Elon Musk

I hope you will see it and I have couple of quite well ideas to chat them with you.

Write to [t.me/@AngryMuscle]


  • Gathers directories/files sizes
  • Finds top of largest directories/files
  • Very fast
  • JSON compatible (for a service using)
  • Human readable mode of output (for a console using)
  • More accuracy than FAR manager


Releases available as single executable files – just download latest release for your platform, unpack and run.

How it works

Since version 2.8.0 utility has a two parts:

  • Duck_a duck says analyse
  • Duck_f duck says find

Duck_a gathers sizes of all directories and files under specific path. Duck_f takes results of Duck_a and looks for top of largest objects among them.

You can scanning 1Tb disk only once by Duck_a (some minutes) and then many times finds largest objects by Duck_f with different parameters (some milliseconds).

Duck_a utility

Duck_a calculates sizes of directories and files.


  • -path=c:\temp - starting point to analyse
  • -hr - human readable results representation (text format), if omit that means JSON format

By default program outputs results to console.

Example a.1. Scanning from c:\temp and saving results in JSON format to results_a.txt

duck_a.exe -path c:\temp\ > .\results_a.txt

Example a.2. Scanning from c:\temp and output results in human readable format to console

duck_a.exe -path c:\temp\ -hr

Duck_f utility

Duck_f takes results of Duck_a, iterates over them and finds top largest directories or files


  • -top=20 - how much directories or files will be founded
  • -depth=2 - depth of analysis inside of results Duck_a
  • -filter=df - filter by objects types (f - files only, d - directories only, df - both of them)
  • -size=c - method of calculating directories size (c clean size (excludes sizes of subdirectories) or f - full size (inludes subdirectories))
  • -path=abc - not the same what this parameters means in duck_a. It's a filter by part of the path (will be outputed all rows which path includes this one)
  • -hr - human readable results representation (text format), if omit that will be JSON format

By default program outputs results to console.

Example f.1. Searching top-10 largest directories or files on depth 2 and outputing results as JSON to file

duck_f.exe -depth=2 -size=c -top=10 -filter=df < .\results_a.txt > .\results_f.txt

Example f.2. Searching top-12 largest directories or files on depth 3 and outputing results in human readable format to console

duck_f.exe -depth=3 -size=c -top=12 -filter=d -hr < .\results_a.txt

Example f.3. Like as Example f.2 but with filtering by path of file (for example, print only dir or files contains .git in their path & names)

duck_f.exe -depth=2 -size=c -top=12 -filter=d -path=.git -hr < .\results_a.txt

So there are results of Example f.3

   filter:    d
   depth:     3
   top:       12
   hr:        true
   size:      c
     1.| PATH:   diskusage\.git\hooks     | FULL SIZE:    22.89 Kb   | CLEAN SIZE:    22.89 Kb   | DEPTH: 3
     2.| PATH:   statusek\.git\hooks      | FULL SIZE:    22.89 Kb   | CLEAN SIZE:    22.89 Kb   | DEPTH: 3
     3.| PATH:   statusek\.git            | FULL SIZE:   114.22 Mb   | CLEAN SIZE:     5.22 Kb   | DEPTH: 2
     4.| PATH:   diskusage\.git           | FULL SIZE:    22.67 Mb   | CLEAN SIZE:     5.08 Kb   | DEPTH: 2
     5.| PATH:   statusek\.git\logs       | FULL SIZE:     5.30 Kb   | CLEAN SIZE:     2.17 Kb   | DEPTH: 3
     6.| PATH:   diskusage\.git\logs      | FULL SIZE:     1.79 Kb   | CLEAN SIZE:   741.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
     7.| PATH:   diskusage\.git\info      | FULL SIZE:   240.00 b    | CLEAN SIZE:   240.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
     8.| PATH:   statusek\.git\info       | FULL SIZE:   240.00 b    | CLEAN SIZE:   240.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
     9.| PATH:   diskusage\.git\objects   | FULL SIZE:    22.64 Mb   | CLEAN SIZE:     0.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
    10.| PATH:   diskusage\.git\refs      | FULL SIZE:   155.00 b    | CLEAN SIZE:     0.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
    11.| PATH:   statusek\.git\objects    | FULL SIZE:   114.19 Mb   | CLEAN SIZE:     0.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
    12.| PATH:   statusek\.git\refs       | FULL SIZE:   196.00 b    | CLEAN SIZE:     0.00 b    | DEPTH: 3
  • How you can see results are sorted by CLEAN SIZE (not included sizes of subdirectories). FULL SIZE is not sorted and not the same as CLEAN SIZE.


For example, if you have directories:

  • A (100Mb)\B (70Mb)\C (60Mb)

then CLEAN SIZE of these dirs will be:

  • A - 30Mb (excluded size of B)
  • B - 10Mb (excluded size of C)
  • C - 60Mb (the same as FULL SIZE because no any subdirs inside)