We wanted custom sirens, many custom sirens.
How many? 214. Why? Nobody knows.
But after we finally managed it to do it. Here you go.
214 Sirens
It's free
You have to use our names (in the files), due to the fact that we were to lazy to change the name for the release.
Just use and change the audio files (wav.) in the .AWC files in the dlc_serversideaudio
Folder using OpenIV or other AWC editing tools. The awc files shouldn't be larger than 16MB. Which we honestly never tested ... So you might experience some fivem restrictions we aren't aware of. (But at least 4MB are totally okay, well tested by us.)
Here is a Table with the Soundbank Soundsets and Audiostrings used in this resource: https://github.com/fk-1997/Server-Sided-Sounds-and-Sirens/blob/main/IDTABLE.md#table-with-soundbank-soundset-and-audiostring
There is a great wiki over on their github: https://docs.luxartengineering.com/v3/resource-installation/server-sided-siren-integration
These are the current ELS-Plus settings:
or other Soundbanks
or other SoundSets
or other AudioStrings
Use this native
or other Soundbanks
p1 = false
And call the sounds using this native:
soundId = -1
entity = your entity || Most likely GetVehiclePedIsUsing(PlayerPedId())
isNetwork = 0
p5 = 0
To test server sided sirens without configuring another resouce check out: https://github.com/TrevorBarns/Server-Side-Audio-Tester
Thanks to our server staff, mk7a and the guys on the CodeWalker Discord for the work, support and overall kindness!