
Tracking tiny faces in tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tracking Tiny Faces

Tracking multiple tiny faces in an image or video sequence in tensorflow. No tracking recovery of a particular face, so a new id is assigned to a face if the tracking fails.


  • tensorflow, opencv-python, filterpy, numba
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • ffmpeg (to convert image sequence to video)
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

Pretrained model weights

Tiny face model weights were downloaded from ResNet101-based pretrained model(hr_res101.mat) and converted to a format readable in python with the script matconvnet_hr101_to_pickle

wget https://www.cs.cmu.edu/%7Epeiyunh/tiny/hr_res101.mat
python utils/matconvnet_hr101_to_pickle.py \
        --matlab_model_path hr_res101.mat \
        --weight_file_path  weights.pkl 


Face detection and tracking

Face detection only on an image or directory of images

python face_detect_track.py --input input/worlds-largest-selfie.jpg  --same_colour

Face detection and tracking on a video

python face_detect_track.py --input input/oscars.mp4 --output output/oscars/ --mode video

This generates an images sequence with bounding boxes overlays.

To convert to a video, run

cat output/oscars/*.jpg | ffmpeg -f image2pipe -framerate 29.97  -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 -b:v 3M -maxrate 3M -bufsize 2M  output/oscars_tracked.mp4

and to add back the audio track

ffmpeg -i output/oscars_tracked.mp4 -i oscars.mp4 -c copy -map 0:0 -map 1:1 -shortest output/oscars_tracked_audio.mp4 \
&& mv output/oscars_tracked_audio.mp4 output/oscars_tracked.mp4

Docker image

You can also use a docker image. First, build the image with

docker build -t face_detect_track .

Then run with (requires nvidia-docker)

nvidia-docker run -it face_detect_track --help

Run all

run the script file run.sh



  • Tiny face detection code was adapted from cydonia999
  • Tracking code was adapted from abewley