(SELECT P.photoID, P.postingdate, P.photoBlob, P.caption, P.photoPoster
FROM Photo P JOIN Follow F ON (P.photoPoster = F.username_followed)
WHERE followstatus = True AND allFollowers = True
AND username_follower = %s)
(SELECT photoID, postingdate, photoBlob, caption, photoPoster
FROM Photo
FROM BelongTo B JOIN SharedWith S ON ((B.owner_username = S.groupOwner) AND (B.groupName = S.groupName))
AND member_username = %s))
(SELECT photoID, postingdate, photoBlob, caption, photoPoster
FROM Photo
WHERE photoPoster = %s)
ORDER BY postingdate DESC;
To view visible photos, I execute three queries that I later union together.
The first query selects Photos posted by a user that the current user in the session follows; allFollowers for this photo is True, and followstatus is True.
The second query selects Photos that were shared with a friend group that a user is in.
Although it was not mentioned, I thought it made sense for a user to see their own posts on their feed (just like Instagram), hence the third query.
The full code for this can be found in app.py under the route /home.
SELECT firstName, lastName, photoID
FROM Photo JOIN Person ON (Photo.photoPoster = Person.username)
WHERE photoID = %s
SELECT username, firstName, lastName
FROM Tagged JOIN Person USING(username)
WHERE tagstatus = True AND photoID = %s
SELECT username, rating
FROM Likes
SELECT count(*) AS numLikes
FROM Likes
WHERE photoID = %s
The full code for this can be found in app.py under the route /get_info.
I decided to add a BLOB attribute to the Photo model which stores the photo represented as a binary object. I first convert the photo into a base 64 object, and then store it into the database.
The full code for this can be found in app.py under the routes /upload and /upload_image.
The full code for this can be found in app.py under the routes /follow, /followUser, /follow-requests, and /view-followers.
For the final part of the project, I plan on implementing the following two features:
- Search by tag: Search for photos that are visible to the user and that tag some particular person (the user or someone else)
- Search by poster: Search for photos that are visible to the user and that were posted by some particular person (the user or someone else)
The demo named finstagram-demo.mp4 shows the features I have already implemented. When it came to friendsgroups and tags/likes, I already wrote some SQL inserts to test my features, which is demonstrated by the video.