
Presenting the Dunder Mifflin Employee Directory, a word guess game akin to the classic hangman. Test your memory of NBC's The Office characters with this never-ending game featuring over 65 unique characters!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dunder Mifflin Employee Directory (Word Guess Game)

After much trial, tribulation, and tears, I present my Dunder Mifflin Employee Directory, a word guess game akin to the classic hangman. Test your memory of NBC's The Office characters with this neverending game featuring over 65 unique characters! 👩‍💼👨‍💼

What this project does

This project makes uses of objects to contain game variables, for loops to ensure all user guesses are captured and applied, if-else statements to validate wins, losses, and user guesses, as well as an onkeyup function to collect dynamic user input.

How users can get started with this project

The mechanics of this game are fairly simple, though the content may pose some challenge for users who have lives and haven't rewatched The Office over eleven times.

How to Play:

  1. Start the game.

    • Beneath the page title and subhead, a screenshot of a beloved character from The Office will appear.
    • Below that image, a series of underscores will appear, indicating the length of the displayed character's name.
    • Some helper text and a box to contain any wrong guesses appear below the underscores.
    • A score card is displayed on the right-hand side of the page (for larger screens) or immediately under the header (for smaller screens).
    • The footer contains links to my portfolio, if you are so inclined.
  2. Enter any key to guess the character's name.

    • Only unique letters will be registered as valid guesses. Entering anything not in the English alphabet or a letter previously entered will change the "helper text" beneath the character's image and underscores, letting you know what you've done wrong.
    • As indicated on the score card, users are allowed three incorrect guesses.
      • Correct guesses will replace underscores with the entered letter.
      • Wrong guesses will reduce the number of "guesses left" each user is allowed and display incorrect letters entered below the character image and underscores.
  3. Win or lose.

    • If the user correctly spells the character's name, they will earn a win and the "helper text" will update with information about the win.
    • In the event of three incorrect guesses in a single round, the user will incur a loss and the "helper text" will update with information about the loss.
  4. Repeat and replay!

    • After either a win or a loss, a new character will display on the page, allowing users to continue to play as long as they'd like!

Where users can get help with this project

If you have any questions about this obviously very intricate and sophisticated project, visit my portfolio and send me a message.

Who maintains this project

This project is lovingly (and casually) maintained by me, @fkakatie. Thanks for checking it out.