- Array
- Matrix
Number of co-primes(GCD==1) between n and i (1 to n-1)
- brute force solution (finding all co-primes) -> O(nlogn)
- solution with the formula(2) --> O(sqrt(n))
- solution with product rule (3)
Example : phi(5)= 4
1- if n is prime -> phi(n) = n-1
2- if a = p^n -> phi(a)= p^n - p^(n-1)
3- phi(n) = n*((1-1/p1)* ....* (1-1/pi))
Sieve is based on creation an array from 1 to n
- sieve of eratosthenes : find if a given number is prime or not, Sieve array will contain the boolean stating if a number is prime or not
- Modified Sieve : find prime factors of a given number, Sieve array will contain the smallest prime factor
- Segmented Sieve : counting primes in range, n >=1 and n<=10e9 (big!!) and the range is ok 10e4, create a dummy array of booleans
Given a Linear Diophantine Equation (LDE) ax+by=c, we can deduct that c % gcd(a, b) ==0
Used to find the max sum subarray
In a graph, we have N nodes and M edges
In a graph, we need to create an adjacency list
In a graph, any node can be root
In a graph, we have a visited array to avoid infinite traversal
Every tree is a graph !!
Every DFS call run in O(N)
A graph can be directed or undirected
Applications :
- Number of connected components
- HowTo : the number of times DFS/BFS is called
- Detect a cycle in undirected graph code
- HowTo : the node is not parent and it has been visited
- Detect a cycle in directed graph
- Bipartite (consecutive nodes have different colors) code
- HowTo :
- Use a color array, if the adjacent element color is equal to the curent color, the graph is not bipartite
- Application : Check if there is an odd length cycle in the graph -> Not a bipartite graph
- HowTo :
- Topological sort (only possible with DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) -> No cycle ), TopoSort can be used to detect a cycle (indegrees case)
- HowTo :
Application : linear ordering of vertices
2 approches :
- indegree: you starts with node which has indegree 0 -> no coming edge, update the indegree map (Kahn's algorithm) - BFS code
- Using a stack - DFS code - called pre visited and post visited (visited is a map) - this can allow to detect cycle in DAG (in base condition if a node is visited but visited is at "pre" -> we have a cycle, we can return, it a node is visted but visite is at "post" we can return)
- HowTo :
- Bridges in the graph : a bridge is an edge when taken off, it creates one or more components in the graph
- HowTo :
- keep the parent, the low and nodeTime array and a timer code
- HowTo :
- Articulation points in the graph : articulation is a node when taken off, it creates one or more components in the graph
- HowTo : TODO
- Dijkstra algorithm Nlog(N) : shortest path between source and destination on weighted graph
- Another algorithm to find the shortest path is : Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- Application of Floyd–Warshall algorithm : any source to any destination
- if the distance of the destination is infinity or the parent destination is -1, it means you never reached the destination
- HowTo :
- Step1: you need distance array populated with infinity except the source node which is polulated with 0
- Step2: you need a priority queue(distance, node)
- Step3: you need to iterate until the priority queue is empty
- Dijkstra using a pair code
- Dijkstra using a map to store the weights code
- Dijkstra printing the node traversed using the parent array code
- Another algorithm to find the shortest path is : Floyd–Warshall algorithm
- Number of connected components
- In a tree, we have N nodes and N-1 edges
- In a tree, we have a root
- In a tree, we carry a parent to avoid infinite traversal
- A tree is not a graph
- Applications :
Minumum range queries
- Fenwick tree is represented as an array
- Fenwick tree is zero based index
- Fenwick tree consist of sum (range) and update
- Fenwick tree is batter compared to segment tree with regard space complexity
Use DFS and when traversing store the node in vector (or print the node) and when coming back store the result as well (or print the node). code
Also known as nearest ancestor between 2 numbers a and b in the tree Two approaches :
- Use Euler Tour Algorithm : the solution is the the element in between euler tour with minimum height code
- Use parent array : the solution is the common element code
- Maintain a dp array dp[node][x] -> 2^x th parent of node (distance)
- Compute the levels difference between a, and b
- Bring a and b to the same level by moving up of the difference height between a and b
- For 10^15, we have maximum log(10^15) + 1 parents (15 +1)
- for each i in parent [a][n], [b][n] equals: return the answer (to be continued)