
Buttercup Vault Password Cracker

Primary LanguageRust


ButterBrute is a Buttercup password vault brute forcing utility. This tool implements a dictionary attack to crack the master password on buttercup (.bcup) files.


The project includes code for a Rust binary to perform the dictionary attack, and a Node.js script to read out the vault contents once you crack the password. Needless to say, you will need Rust and Node installed to use this repository.

Build the brute forcer:

cargo build --release

If you want to dump the vault contents once you crack the password, you can use dump_vault.mjs, but you will need to install dependencies with:

npm install


Run the dictionary attack:

./target/release/butterbrute testvault.bcup testwordlist.txt

Once you crack the password, you can dump the vault contents with:

node dump_vault.mjs testvault.bcup password1


It didn't seem like anyone else had built one yet. While working on a CTF, I came across a vault.bcup file and just needed to know what was inside. There was no hashcat mode for cracking buttercup, so I solved the CTF with a PoC in Node.js using the buttercup-core library. It got the job done, but it was extremely inefficient, and I would not use it on a real pen test. What's worth doing is worth overdoing, so I dug into the crypto and built an efficient brute forcer in Rust. It was a fun learning experience, and I found out that Buttercup and all its crypto is a basically an elaborate Princess Bride reference. Anyway...

Have fun storming the castle