
A simple wrapper to kubectl port-forward for multiple pods.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


kubepfm is a simple wrapper to kubectl port-forward command. It can start multiple kubectl port-forward processes based on the number of input target pods. At the moment, if you have multiple pods per deployment, it will choose the first one listed from the kubectl get pod command. Terminating the tool (Ctrl-C) will also terminate all running kubectl processes.


$ go get -u -v github.com/flowerinthenight/kubepfm


$ kubepfm --target pod-name-or-pattern:local-port:pod-port --target ...


# example pods:
$ kubectl get pod
NAME                                 READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
mypod-7c497c9d94-8xls2               1/1       Running     0          7d
otherpod-5987f84db4-9mhxf            2/2       Running     0          4d
hispod-7d8c4cbd9-dqjc6               2/2       Running     0          21d
herpod-7d48964997-d6pgs              1/1       Running     0          3d

# port-forward two pods using port 1222 to my local 8080 and 8081 ports:
$ kubepfm --target mypod:8080:1222 --target otherpod:8081:1222

# localhost:8080 -> mypod, localhost:8081 -> otherpod