VBA Stock Analysis Script Refactoring

Project Overview:

The project presents the results of refactored script of the original VBA stock analysis of the 2017 and 2018 stock market. Although the original script delivered the required results, this project refactors the script with the aim to improve the performance of the script and make it applicable for future analyses of the stock market.


The original script performed the analyses of the 2017 and 2018 stock market datasets in 0.6796875 and 0.6875 seconds respectively. The following evidence demonstrates approximately a 7% improvement in the performance measures between the original and refactored scripts:

Original script performance measure for the 2017 dataset:


Original script performance measure for the 2018 dataset:


Refactored script performance measure for the 2017 dataset:


Refactored script performance for the 2018 dataset:


The last two images show that the refactored script ran the analysis for the 2017 dataset in 0.6328125 seconds and the 2018 dataset in 0.6328125 seconds. The near 7% improvement in performance was achieved by creating output arrays to store the values for the volume, starting price, and ending price of each stock ticker in addition to the tickers array of the original script in the following manner:

Dim tickerVolumes(12) As Long
Dim tickerStartingPrices(12) As Single
Dim tickerEndingPrices(12) As Single

A tickerIndex variable was used to access the correct index across the four arrays. Such refactoring resulted in the improved performance of the for loop that runs through all the rows to identify, store, and calculate values that match the ticker.


The following conclusions may be drawn from the evidence above:

  1. Refactoring has the advantages of improved performance, better clarity and style, reproducibility of code by other users, detailed revision, and a more consistent coding pattern. Another advantagous point of refactoring may be that the code can be made more applicable for future use and expansion. It also showed to be useful for improving coding skills and overall understanding of programming. Arguably, refactoring can also be disadvantageous for time-sensitive projects as it requires the commitment of significantly more time and resources. Refactoring can also introduce idiosyncratic solutions to problems in the name of performance improvement, which may not be readily understandable or may create problems in the future applications of the code.
  2. In light of the original VBA script, the advantages and disadvantages listed above are demonstrable in the performance measures and in the amount of questions and research it required. When compared, the refactored code is easier to read and understand. It uses the computer resources more efficiently, as is demonstrated by the improved performance. However, presently, the rationale behind tickerIndex remains unclear.