
Django back-end which contains REST APIs to track assets

Primary LanguagePython

Environment setup

  1. Create a virtual environment using
python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the virtual environment using following command

for windows


for Ubuntu or similar
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the required dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make migrations and Run the project
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

python manager.py runserver

API Documentaion

sign up

POST method endpoint:


post_data = {
    "name" : "your/company name",
    "email" : "your email",
    "password" : "your password with minimum length of 8"

response with status: 201

  "message": "User created",
  "data": {
    "name":  "your name",
    "email": "your email"

response with status: 400 if email already registered

  "non_field_errors": [
    "Email has already been used"


POST method endpoint:


post_data = {
    "username": "your registered email",
    "password": "your password"

response with status: 200 if authenticated

  "token": "generated token for authorization to access data"

response with status: 400 if not authenticated

  "non_field_errors": [
    "Unable to log in with provided credentials."

From now we have to use Authorization in the request Headers with the generated Token after login. Otherwise the response with status: 401 will be like

  "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

add employee

POST method endpoint:


post_data = {
  "employee_email":"registered email of employee"

N.B. we could send invitation if the email isn't registered. which isn't part of this project.

response with status: 201 if added

  "message": "Employee added",
  "data": {
    "id": 2,
    "company": "pk of the company who added",
    "employee": "pk of the employee"

response with status: 400 if the employee is already under any company

  "employee": [
    "company employee with this employee already exists."

add device

POST method endpoint


post_data = {
  "device_id": "could be any unique ID given by company",
  "type": "Phone/Laptop/etc..",
  "brand": "Brand Name",
  "model": "Model No."

response with status: 201

  "message": "Device added",
  "data": {
    "id": "pk for the device",
    "device_id": "Given ID",
    "type": "Phone/Laptop/etc..",
    "brand": "Brand Name",
    "model": "Model No.",
    "is_available": true,
    "owner": 1

Here is_available is by default true. That means it is available to be handed out. Owner is the company by which the device is added so we can verify which devices are under which company.

handout device

POST method endpoint

post_data = {
  "employee_email":"employee mail",
  "device_id": "ID of the device that is handed out",
  "condition": "Current condition like Good, Okay etc."

response with status: 201

  "message": "Handed out successfully",
  "data": {
    "id": 7,
    "checkout_time": "2022-11-13T17:47:21.860522Z",
    "checkout_condition": "Good",
    // null will be updated when returned
    "return_time": null, 
    "return_condition": null,
    "device": Device pk,
    "handed_to": Employee pk

response with status: 400 when the Device is already handed to someone or the employee not under the user(company)

  "message": "Employee or Device not available"

return device

PATCH method endpoint{log_id}

now posting with just the return_condition and the log will be updated.

post data = {
  "return_condition": "Okay"

response of detail with status: 200

  "id": 4,
  "checkout_time": "2022-11-13T08:02:16.473350Z",
  "checkout_condition": "Good",
  "return_time": "2022-11-13T18:09:26.064205Z",
  "return_condition": "Okay",
  "device": 2,
  "handed_to": 4

device logs

GET method endpoint

No params required

response of list of all devices with status: 200

    "id": 4,
    "checkout_time": "2022-11-13T08:02:16.473350Z",
    "checkout_condition": "Good",
    "return_time": "2022-11-13T10:08:08.449325Z",
    "return_condition": "Okay",
    "device": 2,
    "handed_to": 4

All API Swagger UI