- 0
Incompatibility with Intellij IDEA 2023.1
#145 opened by zhouchangyou - 25
Thrift Support crashed on Goland 2021.1.3
#121 opened by AndurilLi - 3
Incompatibility with Intellij IDEA 2022.3
#142 opened by gaydenko - 2
- 0
More maintainers
#137 opened by arhont375 - 0
- 1
1.11.1 doesn't work for Goland 2022.1
#132 opened by shiqi-lu - 2
- 4
Doesn't work for PyCharm 2021.3
#123 opened by YLD10 - 1
- 1
support for goland 2021.3.2
#129 opened by ryan961 - 3
Build it by myself, but not work.
#128 opened by liweilong - 2
Goland install plugin from disk fail
#125 opened by ctykwz - 2
NoClassDefFoundError: PsiClass on 1.8.0 in PyCharm
#116 opened by himikof - 8
Uncompatible With GoLand 2020.2 and 2020.3
#100 opened by WeiweiGao - 1
buildPlugin RuntimeException
#118 opened by hanhuiATlocalhost - 1
Incompatible with IntelliJ 2021.1
#117 opened by mkasberg - 6
- 2
crash at clion
#112 opened by baibaichen - 2
Why can't search thrift 0.99 in tag?
#99 opened by hanhuiATlocalhost - 1
Add auto-formatting
#111 opened by saturn4er - 1
Annotation Syntax Error
#63 opened by cwaeland - 0
- 2
Annotation parsing on unions
#88 opened by mdhirsch - 3
rust support
#71 opened by MikailBag - 0
- 15
- 0
Plugin return error GetLastError() = 3
#98 opened by Nasller - 0
Plugin breaks builds in 2020.3
#95 opened by heldev - 3
Idea 2019.3 beta2:Cannot add 'thrift-jps.jar' from 'Thrift Support 1.0' to compiler classpath
#84 opened by afsfge - 0
PHPStorm - Marketplace version outdated
#89 opened by siad007 - 2
How do I use plugin in CLion
#73 opened by maxknv - 0
how to use this plugin
#85 opened by abccbaandy - 0
Update namespace scopes
#82 opened by okondrashin - 2
Attempting to build a project fails with NoClassDefFoundError on IDEA 2019.3 EAP
#76 opened by chrismiller - 1
- 1
- 1
- 4
Exception every time idea launches
#67 opened by NikolayMetchev - 0
- 3
- 0
In intellij idea 2018.1 - the hightlight failure
#69 opened by ljf10010 - 2
It cant work in version : 2017.3.4
#66 opened by haijun0908 - 2
java.lang.Throwable: com.intellij.plugins.thrift.structure.ThriftStructureViewElement
#68 opened by chrkv - 0
There is no suggestion of return type of a method, unless you specify it's name
#65 opened by interkelstar - 0
- 1
Version 0.9.7: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/io/FileUtils
#57 opened by walter-weinmann - 0
- 0
Support BaseType i8
#59 opened by yuokada - 12
#55 opened by walter-weinmann