
Calculators for Aortic Valve Stenosis and others for MIT/MGH

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a risk calculator to predict the likelihood of Aortic Valve Stenosis.


Make sure you are on Python 3 (python --version). The models included here are pickled with Python 3 and will not work with Python 2.

Make sure you have pip installed (which pip), and install requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the App on Your Computer

Make sure you have installed Flask as above, and run:

FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=app.py flask run

This will run the app at http://localhost:5000.

Running AS vs RLRVI

The calculator displayed is governed by a ENV variable named 'CALC_NAME'.

This is read in app.py.

To change which calculator is displayed in DEVELOPMENT mode, change the CALC_NAME variable to the desired calculator:

  • CALC_NAME = 'as' -> runs the AS calculator
  • CALC_NAME = 'rlrvi' -> runs the RLRVI calculator

Making Changes to the lr_model scripts

To make a change to the lr_model.py scripts, simply copy the file over from Dropbox.

You may have to update the load paths to load from the appropriate folders (e.g., "model_rlrvi/norm_fact.pkl", "model_as/lr_model.pkl").

Test the app locally using the steps above to make sure the new lr_model script runs as expected.

Commit the changes to git, and push up to Github (git commit -m "<a note about your changes>", git push origin master).

Your changes will deploy live to the site URL within 3-5 minutes.


The UI is built with Semantic UI for ease of use.

It uses some JQuery functions to toggle button colors and submit data to the model.

Finally, it uses Flask to provide a simple JSON API to access the models.

Deploying/Making Live

The app is set up for 1-click deploys to Heroku.

As soon as you push to the master branch of this repo, the changes should start deploying to Heroku, and you should see them live at the site URL within 3-5 minutes.

If you'd like to deploy to your own Heroku account, here is a short and sweet tutorial.