
Easily find and view all your favorite films! :fire:

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easily search and view all your favorite films.

Running the App

The repo contains a React SPA and an Express server.

In dev, webpack-dev-server is configured to proxy requests through to the API server.

In prod, the React bundle is rendered by the server.

1. Install Packages

# from root
brew install yarn
yarn install

2. API Key

Create a file called .env at the root of the project and add your TMDB API key to it as TMDB_API_KEY:

# .env

3. Running Dev

# in two different shells
yarn run start-server  # runs API server on :8080
yarn run start         # runs client on :3000 via webpack-dev-server

Then access webpack-dev-server at http://localhost:3000.

4. Running Prod

yarn run prod          # builds client bundle and starts API server

Then access the Express server at http://localhost:8080.


Th-th-th-that's all folks!