
:bolt: Reshav's API :bolt:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting you started with some resources: Let's make an API! https://gist.github.com/andrewhubbs/74084457bf74f136605d0346f932c85b This is just a starter project, so feel free to add to it as you see fit, but the core components are:

Movie API

An API in Django that hides the API_KEY and makes requests to the movie API An SPA (single-page app) in React that requests information from the API, and:

  • Renders a list or grid of movies
  • Allows searching (new API request) and filtering for movies
  • Allows clicking on a Movie to see a more detailed view
  • https://semantic-ui.com/elements/icon.html
  • https://react.semantic-ui.com/usage/
  • Some additional extensions that are germane to what we do here at Narmi:

  • Add a caching layer to your app for requests to the Movie API (we do this for all our banking transactions!)
  • Break out your frontend into Container and Presentational Components using React (we use this pattern in all our new apps)
  • Use styled-components to style your React components (we will be using this when working on the design_system!)
  • Spin up Storybook to view your React components (we use this in the design_system as well!)
  • Investigate advanced Python collections for use in the API (I think you had mentioned counter!)

  • That should be a good bit to get you started on the right foot here! I've created a blank repo for you here: https://github.com/fkotsian/reshav_api

    Feel free to clone that and let me know when you've got a PR up (as big or small as you like), and I'll take a look! It's a bit different than how we'll work on the team, but my general principles are: Each PR should represent a feature Refactor inside your PRs ('be a good citizen') Add tests and practice TDD if you like!