
Social job-hunting app; Rails backend, RSpec test coverage

Primary LanguageCSS

#Social job-hunting for all


  1. Select app status DONE
  2. Search db for description, category, location DONE x2
  3. Filter apps by category, location DONE
  4. Make model for location
  5. Pull down Indeed data, AngelList data + location
  6. Push to Heroku and test performance for Backbone
  7. Infinite scroll/pagination
  8. Style signin/signup page
  9. LinkedIn integration/signin (figaro keys)
  10. Convert DB to Postgres
  11. Company_size max and min for angellist data
  12. ETL data into separate DB for query/analysis
  13. Resolve category_jobs and company_jobs conflict
  14. Fix AngelList parser 1-off index error in job_categories

#User Stories

users can get advice on how to jobsearch advice:

  • large number of apps
  • resume forums
  • cover letter help (examples)
  • support
  • applications/day goals
  • "loved companies" goals
  • integration with LinkedIn (see which companies you know people at)

users can annotate advice

user can sort applications by status by job category

user can sort companies by company industry

user can search jobs by salary, category, or location (need fields for all of these) searchbox above the th (or perhaps IS the th--> is a filter)

style signin page, perhaps make single-page (signin via AJAX; though then we lose some of the cool functionalities; not really any reason to)

user can track number of jobs submitted user can track which companies they applied to user submits app company gets +1 app (join table: job-application) user gets +1 app (job-application)

can give live feed of companies all applications are surfaced by user (/kam/ just applied to /Heroku/!)

can set goal of companies or applications/day feature: /tracking?/ or /goal?/ when activate feature, adds db query for applications where submitted_at is on DATE

users can see analytics on applications

  • visualization of jobs submitted/day
  • stats on screens/apps submitted, interviews/screen, offers/interview
  • breakdown of screens/offers by company, by industry, by role

users can see most popular companies this week company with most applications: query Job.where(:company => /company/)

users can get offers can mark application status; status options include: 'applied', 'phone screened', 'interviewed', 'offered', 'accepted', 'rejected'

Companies can see which users have many offers; companies can see which users have applied to many companies; companies can be suggested to users

users can indicate interest in companies join table :user_interest

companies can create pages companies can upload logo, description

companies can upload jobs jobs create a new page jobs have title, description, salary, contact_info

users can filter offers filter job_applications by company, salary, company size, location, and application status

job_application form has autofill title has autofill for all job titles

job_application form allows you to add new job categories it recognizes a new entry to the category input and creates it as a JobCategory

applying to a job tells you how many jobs you have applied to that day

SquareSpace Logo SquareSpace favicon (hamsters? hound?)

infinite scroll/pagination for job_applications and jobs and companies