
Send Alertmanager alerts to Matrix rooms

Primary LanguageGoGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

matrix-alertmanager-receiver Chat

Alertmanager client that forwards alerts to a Matrix room. This is a fork of https://git.sr.ht/~fnux/matrix-alertmanager-receiver with the following changes:

  • Add templating mechanism for alerts based on Golang's html/template
  • Allow arbitrary rooms as receivers with optional pretty URLs
  • Mapping of ExternalURL values for misconfigured Alertmanager instances
  • Mapping of GeneratorURL values for misconfigured Prometheus instances
  • Computation of SilenceURL and arbitrary other values.
  • Replace TOML with YAML format
  • Add Prometheus metrics for received alerts, sent notifications, and templating failures
  • Use the slog package for structured logging


Configure your Alertmanager(s) to use this service as a webhook receiver like this:

  - name: matrix
      - url: "https://example.com:<port>/<alerts-path-prefix>/{roomID}"

The values for <port> and <alerts-path-prefix> are configuration options of this service and need to match whatever you wrote into your Alertmanager configuration. The value for {roomID} must be a valid Matrix room ID or a pre-defined pretty URL (see below). The following snippet shows the same configuration with all options specified:

  - name: some-room
      - url: "https://example.com:12345/alerts/!PFFZ6G9E07n2tnbiUD:matrix.example.com"
  - name: other-room
      - url: "https://example.com:12345/alerts/!HJFZ28f4jKJfmaHLEk:matrix.example.com"

Note that you can use the matrix.room-mapping configuration option to expose 'pretty' URLs and hide those Matrix room IDs from your Alertmanager configuration:

  - name: some-room
      - url: "https://example.com:12345/alerts/pager"
  - name: other-room
      - url: "https://example.com:12345/alerts/ticket"

CLI Arguments

This service is a single binary which provides two CLI arguments:

  • --config-path: Specify the path to the configuration file to use.
  • --log-level: Specify the log level to use. Possible values are error, warn, debug, info. Defaults to info.


# configuration of the HTTP server
  address:          # bind address for this service. Can be left unspecified to bind on all interfaces
  port: 12345                 # port used by this service
  alerts-path-prefix: /alerts # URL path for the webhook receiver called by an Alertmanager. Defaults to /alerts
  metrics-path: /metrics      # URL path to collect metrics. Defaults to /metrics
  metrics-enabled: true       # Whether to enable metrics or not. Defaults to false

# configuration for the Matrix connection
  homeserver-url: https://matrix.example.com        # FQDN of the homeserver
  user-id: "@user:matrix.example.com"               # ID of the user used by this service
  access-token: secret                              # Access token for the user ID
  # define short names for Matrix room ID
    simple-name: "!qohfwef7qwerf:example.com"

# configuration of the templating features
  # mapping of ExternalURL values
    # key is the original value taken from the Alertmanager payload
    # value is the mapped value which will be available as '.ExternalURL' in templates
    "http://alertmanager:9093": https://alertmanager.example.com
  # mapping of GeneratorURL values
    # key is the original value taken from the Alertmanager payload
    # value is the mapped value which will be available as '.GeneratorURL' in templates
    "http://prometheus:8080": https://prometheus.example.com

  # computation of arbitrary values based on matching alert annotations, labels, or status
  # values will be evaluated top to bottom, last entry wins
    - values: # always set 'color' to 'yellow'
        color: yellow
    - values: # set 'color' to 'orange' when alert label 'severity' is 'warning'
        color: orange
        severity: warning
    - values: # set 'color' to 'red' when alert label 'severity' is 'critical'
        color: red
        severity: critical
    - values: # set 'color' to 'green' when alert status is 'resolved'
        color: green
      when-matching-status: resolved

  # template for alerts in status 'firing'
  firing-template: '
      <strong><font color="{{ .ComputedValues.color }}">{{ .Alert.Status | ToUpper }}</font></strong>
      {{ if .Alert.Labels.name }}
        {{ .Alert.Labels.name }}
      {{ else if .Alert.Labels.alertname }}
        {{ .Alert.Labels.alertname }}
      {{ end }}
      {{ if .Alert.Labels.severity }}
        {{ .Alert.Labels.severity | ToUpper }}: 
      {{ end }}
      {{ if .Alert.Annotations.description }}
        {{ .Alert.Annotations.description }}
      {{ else if .Alert.Annotations.summary }}
        {{ .Alert.Annotations.summary }}
      {{ end }}
      {{ if .Alert.Annotations.runbook }}
        <a href="{{ .Alert.Annotations.runbook }}">Runbook</a> | 
      {{ end }}
      {{ if .Alert.Annotations.dashboard }}
        <a href="{{ .Alert.Annotations.dashboard }}">Dashboard</a> | 
      {{ end }}
      <a href="{{ .SilenceURL }}">Silence</a>

  # template for alerts in status 'resolved', if not specified will use the firing-template
  resolved-template: '
    <strong><font color="{{ .ComputedValues.color }}">{{ .Alert.Status | ToUpper }}</font></strong>{{ .Alert.Labels.name }}'


Template are written using Golang's html/template feature. The following template values are available:

  • Alert: The alert data as provided by the Alertmanager.
  • GroupLabels: The GroupLabels value of the original payload sent by the Alertmanager.
  • CommonLabels: The CommonLabels value of the original payload sent by the Alertmanager.
  • CommonAnnotations: The CommonAnnotations value of the original payload sent by the Alertmanager.
  • ExternalURL: The ExternalURL value of the original payload sent by the Alertmanager mapped by the mapping section in the configuration file. If no entry exists in the map, the original value will be available as-is in the template.
  • GeneratorURL: The GeneratorURL value of the original alert data send by the Alertmanager mapped by the mapping section in the configuration file. If no entry exists in the map, the original value will be available as-is in the template.
  • SilenceURL: The calculated URL to silence an alert. This should be used like this <a href="{{ .SilenceURL }}">Silence</a> or similar.
  • ComputedValues: Map of computed values defined in the configuration file.


The ExternalURL as sent by an Alertmanager contains the backlink to the Alertmanager that sent the notification. In general, you should set the correct URL your Alertmanager can be reached with using the --web.external-url Alertmanager CLI flag. In case you cannot change the configuration of your Alertmanager, use the templating.external-url-mapping configuration of this alertmanager-receiver. Each key is the full original value as sent by an Alertmanager and each value is what you want to use in your templates.

    "http://alertmanager:9093": https://alertmanager.example.com
    "http://alerts:12345": https://alerts.example.com

Using the above configuration, all alerts whose ExternalURL original value is http://alertmanager:9093 will be https://alertmanager.example.com and http://alerts:12345 will be mapped to https://alerts.example.com.


The GeneratorURL as sent by an Alertmanager contains the backlink to the Prometheus instance that created the alert. In general, you should set the correct URL your Prometheus can be reached with using the --web.external-url Prometheus CLI flag. In case you cannot change the configuration of your Prometheus, use the templating.generator-url-mapping configuration of this alertmanager-receiver. Each key is the full original value as sent by a Prometheus and each value is what you want to use in your templates.

    "http://prometheus:8080": https://prometheus.example.com
    "http://metrics:12345": https://metrics.example.com

Using the above configuration, all alerts whose GeneratorURL original value is http://prometheus:8080 will be https://prometheus.example.com and http://metrics:12345 will be mapped to https://metrics.example.com.

Computed Values

You can make additional arbitrary values available in your templates by using the templating.computed-values key. There are several ways to configure when these values are available in your template and which value they have.

    - values:
        color: yellow
        something: value
        another: yesplease

The above configuration adds the ComputedValues.color, ComputedValues.something, and ComputedValues.another with their respective values to your template.

    - values:
        color: yellow
        something: value
        another: yesplease
        severity: warning
        thanos: global

The above configuration adds the same key/values only if an alert contains the label severity with value warning and another label called thanos with value global.

    - values:
        color: yellow
        something: value
        another: yesplease
        prometheus: production

The above configuration adds the same key/values only if an alert contains the annotation prometheus with value production.

    - values:
        color: yellow
        something: value
        another: yesplease
      when-matching-status: resolved

The above configuration adds the key/values only if an alert has the status resolved.

    - values:
        color: yellow
        something: value
        another: yesplease
        severity: warning
        thanos: global
        prometheus: production
      when-matching-status: resolved

The above configuration matches on labels, annotations, and alert status. Only if all specified matchers evaluate to true, the values will be added to your template.


Besides the functions available in plain Golang templates, the following functions can be used in all templates:

Please open a ticket in case you need additional functions from the Golang SDK.


The following metrics are available at the /metrics endpoint of this service in a Prometheus compatible format:

# The total number of HTTP requests received at the /alerts endpoint

# The total number of HTTP requests using unsupported HTTP methods received at the /alerts endpoint

# The total number of HTTP requests that contain invalid payload data at the /alerts endpoint

# The total number of alerts processed

# The total number of successful templating operations

# The total number of failed templating operations

# The total number of failed join room operations

# The total number of successful join room operations

# The total number of failed send operations

# The total number of successful send operations


It's highly likely that this project does not meet your needs. Here is a list of potential alternatives you might want to consider:


In order to build this project, make sure to install at least Golang 1.21 and run the following command:

$ CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o matrix-alertmanager-receiver