Awesome Kedro Awesome

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A framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.

DEPRECATION NOTICE: This repository is in the process to being handed over to the kedro-org organization. Please contribute to astrojuanlu/awesome-kedro instead.


  • kedro-accelerator - Speeds up pipelines by parallelizing I/O in the background.
  • kedro-airflow - Makes it easy to deploy Kedro projects to Airflow.
  • kedro-argo - Converts Kedro pipelines to Argo pipelines.
  • kedro-docker - Makes it easy to package Kedro projects with Docker.
  • kedro-great - The easiest way to integrate Kedro and Great Expectations.
  • kedro-grpc-server - Creates a gRPC server for your kedro pipelines.
  • kedro-mlflow - Allows usage of MLFlow in Kedro projects.
  • kedro-pandas-profiling - "Profiles" data in the catalog.
  • kedro-viz - Helps visualise Kedro data and analytics pipelines.
  • kedro-wings - Automatically creates catalog entries to simplify Kedro pipeline writing.
  • find-kedro - Automatically construct pipelines using pytest style pattern matching.


  • find-kedro - CLI tool ẃhich finds nodes for pipelines.
  • more-kedro - (Hook) library for on the fly typing and validation of parameter dictionaries and default value backed data loading.
  • steel-toes - Prevent changing downstream catalog data on your teammates while developing in parallel.

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