
This plugin does a traceroute with the given OS's traceroute command (currently supported: Linux and Windows) and creates a nice graph via PNP4Nagios.

Primary LanguagePerlApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This plugin does a traceroute with the given OS's traceroute command (currently supported: Linux and Windows) and creates a nice graph via rrdgraph.

So now, when a machine you are trying to access has bad ping times every now and then, you can find out where it actually starts (if you are running a two-way traceroute). The only thing missing (which won't ever be added though) is checking for packetloss (like eg. the nicely done default plugin check_icmp does).


To install this plugin, simply install it into your nagios/icinga plugins directory and link to it in your nagios/icinga configuration.

Also, if you want to use ping types deemed root-only by the kernel, you need to run this plugin via sudo and set up /etc/sudoers accordingly:

Defaults: nagios !requiretty
nagios   ALL=(root) /usr/bin/traceroute*

In case you are using Fedora or RHEL / CentOS with SElinux enabled, you might need to either write an SElinux policy module or have to turn off SElinux for nrpe/nagios/the server itself completely.

For the whole server:

setenforce 0

A few websites on SElinux:


In case you are using PNP4Nagios, you can install the pnp4nagios template from the archive as follows:

a. Copy the pnp4nagios-template-*.php file to eg. /usr/share/pnp/templates/check_traceroute_pingplot.php (php!)
b. Copy the pnp4nagios-check_commands-*.cfg file to /etc/pnp/check_commands/check_traceroute_pingplot.cfg (cfg!)


When the traceroute command does not return any hopinfo in the debug-output, make sure sudoers is set up correctly.


I can be reached via mail under the following address:


You can find the newest version of this plugin and pnp4nagios template on:

* http://dev.techno.holics.at/check_traceroute_pingplot/
* https://github.com/fkrueger-2/check_traceroute_pingplot
* https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Network-Connections%2C-Stats-and-Bandwidth/check_traceroute_pingplot/


Copyright (C) 2014,2017 by Frederic Krueger / fkrueger-dev-checktraceroutepingplot@holics.at

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0