
This is simple use of RMI mechanisms in Java. The main idea was being able to run Your script written in python, on a server with installed Abaqus software via RMI and get response. It was my university project , so it's not perfect, beautiful and clean , but it works as a template to some future resolutions.

Primary LanguageJava

  1. This is example usage of RMI mechanism in Java. It was my learning and understanding of this.
  2. Application implements Server and client side.
  3. To run this correctly, You have to set proper paths to files and abaqus run file (for some reason it has to be full path)
  4. GUI is not separated from logic , it was fast project :)
  5. Interface is required by mechanism.

More useful examples and documentation - which I was using for this project: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/rmi/hello/hello-world.html http://mstachniuk.blogspot.com/2010/10/mechanizm-rmi-remote-method-invocation.html (In Polish) http://www.ejbtutorial.com/java-rmi/how-to-transfer-or-copy-a-file-between-computers-using-java-rmi

Hope Someone would use it as a template :) Filip Kubala