
Framework for relating questions by their topics

Primary LanguagePython


Framework for relating questions by their topics

This repository features code that was created as part of the NWO project DiscoSumo, conducted by Tilburg University and Radboud University Nijmegen (both in the Netherlands) in collaboration with Sanoma Media BV, with the purpose to return similar and related questions to a given question posted on the Dutch Community Question Answering platform GoeieVraag. The repository includes an API option to be used as a backend service for GoeieVraag.

Check the paper below for more information on methodology and performance:

Kunneman, F., Castro Ferreira, T., Krahmer, E. & Van den Bosch, A. (2019), Question Similarity in Community Question Answering: A Systematic Exploration of Preprocessing Methods and Models, In Proceedings of the International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (pp. 593-601)

For other questions, please contact us via f.kunneman@gmail.com or thiago.castro.ferreira@gmail.com


python setup.py install
python -m spacy download nl_core_news_sm


The system only functions if the correct files are included in the repository. These files are not standardly included in the repository, due to their size and privacy restrictions. Their prospected paths are listed in qrel/modules/relate.py


Provided that the data is stored in the right location, the question similarity and question relatedness functions of the system can be tested by running the following command in the commandline (from the root of this repository):

python qrel/modules/relate.py test

To test the addition of several questions to the database by means of a new file with questions, run the following command:

python qrel/modules/relate.py test_many



To use the system as an api-service, first run the following command:

python qrel/api.py

Retrieve related questions

A local service is now initiated, that will respond to relatedness requests like the following (in the command line):

curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"nintendo switch of playstation 4?", "id":"5678910"}' http://localhost:5000/related

The service will return json-formatted output, with the following fields:

  • "questiontext" : the text of the search question
  • "qid" : the id of the search question
  • "related" : a selection of 5 related questions, as a list of lists with 1) the id of the related question 2) the text of the related question 3) the similarity score 4) the topic to which this question most relates

Update dataset

By calling the API to retrieve the related questions for a new question, this question is added to the dataset. In order to update the dataset such that new questions might end up in the related questions overview of earlier questions, the API can be called as follows:

''' curl -i -X GET http://localhost:5000/update '''

This call only returns information on the success. The question relatedness procedure was performed for all candidate questions that were found possibly related to the new questions.

Retrieve similar questions

The API could also be ran to retrieve the most similar questions to a given question:

curl -i -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text":"nintendo switch of playstation 4?", "model":"ensemble"}' http://localhost:5000/similar

The service will return json-formatted output, with the following fields:

  • "questiontext" : the text of the search question
  • "similar" : the 5 most similar questions, as a list of lists with 1) the id of the similar question 2) the text of the similar question 3) the similarity score 4) an assessment if it is completely similar ('1' for similar, '0' for not similar); this only applies to the ensemble model, any of the other models (bm25, trlm, softcosine) always return '0'

Adding many questions

To update the dataset with a new file with many questions, run the following command:

python qrel/modules/relate.py [path_to_file_with_new_questions.json]

The file should be json-formatted, as a list of dictionaries (representing the questions) which should at least contain the following fields:

  • "id" : the question id
  • "questiontext" : the text of the question

The other fields they could optionally include are:

  • "tokens" : the word tokens of the question text
  • "lemmas" : normalized versions of these word tokens
  • "pos" : the grammatical categories of these word tokens
  • "topics" : the words and phrases in the question that reflect topics
  • "related" : the id's and texts of the questions that are selected as related

The questions in this file will be added to the original questions and saved. If the optional fields are not included, the system will extract them. Running this command will take a while.