
Naive Bayes and maximum entropy classifiers implementation on Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Inspired by Denis Bazhenov

* http://bazhenov.me/blog/2012/06/11/naive-bayes.html
* http://bazhenov.me/blog/2013/04/23/maximum-entropy-classifier.html

Naive Bayes classifier and Principle of maximum entropy classifier implementations on Ruby.


require 'classifier'

@bayes = Classifier::Bayes.new(["SPAM", "HAM"])

spam = @bayes.cls("SPAM")
ham = @bayes.cls("HAM")

spam.teach("Buy viagra free without a reciepe")
spam.teach("Enlarge your mojo twice for free")
spam.teach("Total sale! Last autumn collection!")
spam.teach("Mojo and Evil for free!")

ham.teach("Hi Peter! Let's go to sale in the moll?")
ham.teach("Buy some lemonade for party!")
ham.teach("It's a party time!")
ham.teach("Waiting in the moll")

res = @bayes.classify("Buy some viagra please!")
p res
#=> [["SPAM", 0.8], ["HAM", 0.19999999999999998]]

res = @bayes.classify("It is party in the mall")
p res
#=> [["HAM", 0.9818181818181818], ["SPAM", 0.018181818181818146]]

res = @bayes.classify("New tokens presented")
p res
#=> [["SPAM", 0.5], ["HAM", 0.5]]


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