
Parse and format menu for local restaurant

Primary LanguagePython


Parsing a menu from instagram highlight weekly video, original account and video visible here : https://www.instagram.com/3brasseurscompiegne/

  • Download the clip using instagrapi. They are not stored in the repo
  • Perform OCR using easyOCR. Output is stored in data/extracted_text
  • Parse the text to human readable format using OpenAI GPT3.5-turbo
  • Store the output in MENU.md


  • automate with github action
  • email the output


Fill .envrc and load it using direnv

Install dependencies from requirements.txt (tested with Python 3.9.16). For instance

pyenv install 3.9.16
pyenv local 3.9.16
mkvirtualenv -a . -p $(which python) menu3b
pip install -r requirements.txt


Run python parse_menus.py 🎊

Look at MENU.md