
Checks for a new version of the NVIDIA driver, downloads and installs it.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

nvidia-update (ZenitH-AT/BearGrylls fork)

Checks for a new version of the NVIDIA Driver, downloads and installs it. Windows 10+ only.


  • Download the latest release or pull nvidia-update.ps1 and optional-components.cfg (optional; allows the user to specify what optional components to include, such as PhysX)
  • If optional-components.cfg was downloaded, edit the file based on your preferences (similar to NVSlimmer; by default most components are commented out).
  • Right click nvidia-update.ps1 and select Run with PowerShell (or run with optional parameters)
  • If the script finds a newer version of the NVIDIA driver, it will download and install a slimmed version of it.

Optional parameters

  • -Clean - Delete the existing driver and install the latest one
  • -Msi - Enable message-signalled interrupts (MSI) for this update only; requires elevation
  • -Schedule - Register a scheduled task to periodically run this script; MSI will always be enabled if "-Msi" was also set
  • -Desktop - Override the desktop/notebook check and download the desktop driver; useful when using an external GPU or unable to find a driver
  • -Notebook - Override the desktop/notebook check and download the notebook driver
  • -Directory <string> - The directory where the script will download and extract the driver

How to pass optional parameters

  • While holding shift press right click in the folder with the script
  • Select Open PowerShell window here
  • Enter .\nvidia-update.ps1 <parameters> (ex: .\nvidia-update.ps1 -Clean -Directory "C:\NVIDIA")

Running the script regularly and automatically

You can run the following PowerShell command to download and run the script weekly:

Invoke-Expression (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/fl4pj4ck/nvidia-update/raw/master/schedule.ps1").Content

Requirements / Dependencies

A supported archiver (7-Zip or WinRAR) is needed to extract the drivers.


Q. How does the script check for the latest driver version?

It uses the NVIDIA AjaxDriverService.



  • pfid: Product Family (GPU) ID (e.g. GeForce RTX 3070: 933)
  • osID: Operating System ID (e.g. Windows 10 64-bit: 57)
  • dch: Windows Driver Type (Standard: 0; DCH: 1)

The pfid and osID are determined by reading files in the ZenitH-AT/nvidia-data repository, which queries the NVIDIA Download API (lookupValueSearch).

ZenitH-AT's changes

  • The script can now self-update.
  • Getting the download link now uses NVIDIA's AjaxDriverService. DCH drivers are now supported and there is no risk of the script not working if NVIDIA changes the download URL format. RP packages are not supported.
  • The GPU's product family ID (pfid) and operating system ID (osID) are now determined by reading files in the ZenitH-AT/nvidia-data repository, rather than using static values, as older GPUs may use different drivers.
  • The user can now choose what optional driver components to include in the installation using the optional-components.cfg file.
  • The user can now enable message-signalled interrupts after driver installation by setting the "-Msi" optional parameter.
  • Simplified and improved checking whether to use the desktop or notebook driver and implemented parameters to override the check.
  • Simplified and improved the archiver program check, download and installation.
  • Simplified the OS version and architecture (osBits) check and driver version comparison.
  • Simplified the GPU name and driver version retrieval (Get-GpuData).
  • Simplified and improved the scheduled task creation.
  • The script now checks for an internet connection before proceeding.
  • Implemented a function for downloading files (Get-WebFile).
  • Driver downloading now uses a custom Get-WebFile function (instead of Start-BitsTransfer, which occasionally caused issues).
  • Greatly improved error handling (script is now hopefully idiot-proof).
  • Loading animations are shown where applicable (e.g. "Installing driver... /").
  • Refactored and reorganised a ton of the code.

ZenitH-AT's planned changes

  • 7-Zip download should get the URL of the latest version instead of using a predefined URL.
  • Optional components should be selected from within the script and handle dependencies, like NVCleanstall.
    • Dependencies can be determined by recursively reading .nvi files