Turns an array of strings [ 'grandparent', 'parent', 'child' ]
into a tree of objects:
grandparent: {
parent: {
child: {
With one simple function call:
var makeTree = require('make-tree')
var child = makeTree([ 'grandparent', 'parent', 'child' ], {})
- ary: an array of strings representing keys. If any of those keys does not exist in the hierarchy, they will be created as an empty object.
- obj: the object to be modified by the creation of new descendants
Returns the final object in the hierarchy represented in the array.
var inputObject = {
parent: {
child: {
baby: 'goo!'
var child = makeTree([ 'parent', 'child' ], {parent: {child: {baby: 'goo!'}}})
console.log(child) // => { baby: 'goo!' }