
Shopping list application

Primary LanguagePython

ShoppingList API

Build Status Coverage Status Test Coverage Maintainability

ShoppingList is a simple API that allows users to record, share and keep track of their shopping lists.


  • Users can create accounts.
  • Users can log in.
  • Users can create, view, update and delete shopping lists.
  • Users can add, update, view or delete items in a shopping list

API documentation

Documentation for the API can be found at https://shoppinglist12.docs.apiary.io/#


Tools used for development of this API are;

Running the tests

From the project's repository, to run tests, use

   python -m pytest tests/ 

Getting Started


  1. Install requirements, run
     pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Database configuration.
    • Download and install postgres from here
    • Create database in terminal
       psql postgres;
       CREATE DATABASE database_name;
    • Connect the application to the database by changing the POSTGRES variable in shopping_list/app/init.py.
       POSTGRES = {
             'user': 'database user',
             'pw': 'user password',
             'db': 'database name',
             'host': 'localhost',
             'port': '5432',
  2. To create database tables, from the project's repository run
    $ python manage.py db init
    $ python manage.py db migrate
    $ python manage.py db upgrade
    $ python run.py runserver

Base URL for the API

URL: https://deployment-shopping-list-api.herokuapp.com/api

End points

Endpoints to create a user account and login into the application

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
POST /auth/register True Create an account
POST /auth/login True Login a user
POST /auth/logout False Logout a user
POST /auth/reset-password False Reset a user password
GET /auth/users True View all registered user accounts
GET /auth/user/<user_id> True View details of a registered account
DELETE /auth/user/<user_id> True Delete user account

Endpoints to create, update, view and delete a shopping list

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
POST /shoppinglists/ False Create a shopping list
GET /shoppinglists/ False View all shopping lists
GET /shoppinglists/<list_id> False View details of a shopping list
PUT /shoppinglists/<list_id> False Updates a shopping list with a given id
DELETE /shoppinglists/<list_id> False Deletes a shopping list with a given id

Endpoints to create, update, view and delete a shopping list item

HTTP Method End point Public Access Action
POST /shoppinglists/<list_id>/items/ False Add an Item to a shopping list
PUT /shoppinglists/<list_id>/items/<item_id> False Update a shopping list item on a given list
GET /shoppinglists/<list_id>/items/ False View items in a particular shopping list
DELETE /shoppinglists/<list_id>/items/<item_id> False Delete an item from a given shopping list