
Build Status

Lilu Kernel extension for enabling userspace access to COM ports not reserved for kernel printf when DB_KPRT is enabled.


  • Set KPRT ACPI Device key in Info.plist to ACPI device name of serial port reserved for kernel printf.
    • Set to Hyper-V example (UAR1) by default.
  • debug boot argument must have DB_KPRT enabled.
  • Only ACPI serial ports are supported, PCI serial is not supported.
  • If unknown issues arise, ensure Misc -> Serial is set properly in OpenCore.

Boot arguments

  • -fcom2off (or -liluoff) to disable
  • -fcom2dbg (or -liludbgall) to enable verbose logging (in DEBUG builds)
  • -fcom2beta (or -lilubetaall) to enable on macOS newer than 13
