Just some notes about using Foundry VTT
- adventuremusic--v1.1.0 - Collection of background music playlists!
- alternative-rotation--v1.1.0 - Rotate icons easier
- beyond20--v1.2 - Reminder to click the Beyond20 icon!
- caeora-maps-tokens-assets--v1.0.3 - Bunch of better artwork for tokens, and premade maps to use *** go check a box in the configuration to use automatically!
- chat-images--v2.5.0 - copy/paste images into chat
- chat-portrait--v0.2.1 - use chat portrait of token when chatting
- compendium-folders--v2.1.8 - Makes Compendium tab easier to read/navigate
- darkraven-games-soundscapes-free--v1.0.1 - 7 hours of free audio by http://www.darkravengames.com
- ddb-importer--v0.4.17 - Mr. Primate DDB Importer. imports spells/items for free. *** Patreon $4.50/month to import monsters
- sceneDefaults--v1.0.0 - Adds option to save settings to scenes when creating them
- dice-so-nice--v3.3.1 - 3D customizable dice!!
- dice-calculator--v0.6.6 - easy picker for dice
- dragupload--v1.5.3 - Drag and drop images as tokens *** configure where they get uploaded
- Dynamic-Effects-SRD--v4.1.08 - A compendium of SRD items/spells/feats, configured for Dynamic Active Effects
- dae--v0.2.51 - Dynamic Active Effects. Modifies core active effects. Used by other add-ons.
- expander--v0.0.6 - expand side-bar when you click chat icon
- foundry_community_macros--v0.35 - Collection of community contributed macros
- free-loot-tavern-compendium--v1.7.0 - Collection of equipment and themes from Loot Tavern
- fudge--v1.1.1 - Fudge dice rolls - click the poop button!
- fxmaster--v1.0.3 - add weather and other special FX to maps
- gm-screen--v2.3.1 - create pull-out grid to bottom for GM
- chat-notifications--v1.2.2 - Hey! Listen! Chat "toast" at bottom left if not on chat tab
- vtta-iconizer--v2.1.15 - Mr. Primate add-on forked from VTTA. Watches items being created and populates with known artwork
- animated-maps--v0.0.9 - Small repo of animated .webm maps
- animated-spell-effects--v0.6.8 - 350+ animated spell effects
- animated-tokens--v0.2.2 - Small repo of animated tokens
- JB2A_DnD5e--v0.1.4 - library of animated spell templates/tokens/tiles *** consider doing Patreon for $1 for more assets! https://www.patreon.com/JB2A
- jaamod--v0.2 - library of animated art
- koboldpressogl--v0.24 - Kobold Press OGL content. broken pictures though
- lib-wrapper--v1.3.5.0 - wraps core FVTT methods, to improve compatability between add-ons
- magicitems--v2.0.8 - weapons/equipment/consumables can have spells associated with them *** can probably disable/uninstall? check DDB Importer first?
- pings--v1.2.10 - long left click to ping. Shift-left click to ping/bring players over
- popout--v1.0 - pop out actor sheets and equipment pages
- scenery--v0.1.4 - set and view different backgrounds for GM vs. player
- tavern-tales-adventures--v1.0.0 - collection of 1-shot adventures with maps
- tidy-ui_game-settings--v0.1.21 - improvements for Game Settings windows
- vtta-tokenizer--v2.2.6 - Mr. Primate add-on forked from VTTA. Easily create tokens from artwork
- tokenmagic--v0.4.4 - add special effects and spell templates
- torch--v1.1.4 - Torch HUD controls
- turnmarker--v2.7.3 - Display marker under the token whose turn it is
- Playlist UI - Improved Playlist UI. specifically filtering option
- Spellarena Battlemap Collection - ready to play maps with lighting/walls enabled!
- Community Lighting - Used to be called Dancing Lights. Adds cool lighting option effects
- Moonlight maps - collection of free maps
- Better Rolls for 5e - reduces number of clicks when rolling combat. not really needed when using Beyond20
- Chat Damage Buttons, Beyond20 Edition - buttons in chat to deal damage/healing through Foundry character sheets
- DnDBeyond NPC Sheet - adds an additional NPC sheet. probably just uninstall this
- Dramatic Rolls - add sound effects to nat 20 or nat 1. if Confetti add-on installed, will use on nat 20
- Not Your Turn! - block token movement if not the token's turn
- Tabletop RPG music - free fantasy music!
- Quick combat - tweaks to combat experience. playlist, rolling initiative
- Random Encounters - create random encounters for a scene. seems complicated
- Reset Movement - return combatant to where it was at the beginning of the turn
- Confetti - Adds confetti! can be triggered on Nat 20's w/Dramatic Rolls add-on
- Polyglot - what languages do your characters speak?
- Monk's Little Details - Quality of Life improvements, e.g. better status effects, scene compendium squashed view, others
- Simplefog - simple fog of war layer
- Multilevel Tokens - teleport/clone tokens between areas!!
- Lock View - lock what players can view
- Forien's Quest Log - Keep track of quests for the party
- Active Auras - propogate auras onto other tokens, e.g. Aura of Protection. works with Active Effects. Tied to using FVTT character sheets to be effective
- DnD5e Helpers - a bunch of little things, mostly tied to FVTT character sheet usage. Actively maintained
- Torchlight - TorchLight HUD controls. I like Torch a tiny bit better, but this still has potential
- DAE (dynamic active effects)
- FXMaster (weather effects to map!)
- Compendium Folders
- Compendium Image Mapper
- NPC Chatter
- Expander
- Jinker's Animated Art
- Midi QOL - auto-targets tokens in a spell's template
- Monk's Little Details
- Not Your Turn
- Torch
- Turn Marker - is Combat Ready a better option?
- Bellows - how well does it work for playlists?
- token action HUD(?) or something like that...
- popout resizer!
- critter DB import - import homebrew monsters?
- legend keeper importer - keep notes in legend keeper website?
- maestro
- easy target - target tokens with alt-click
- the furnace
- token info icons
- MESS spell effects
- token aura
- trigger happy... maybe
- let me roll that for you - works w/Midi QOL to let players roll their own saving throws (from foundry, not dndbeyond of course)
- table ninja shows up on player view?
- look into modifying SoundBoard by Blitz to select multiple libraries/use from other installed modules w/audio
- custom view to tag your own modules for people who install a lot?
- mash-up Not Enough NPC's: a 5e NPC Generator w/tokens on imgur?
- webm preview in file browser
- troubleshoot what modules are CPU intensive
- figure out targeting in combat
- cool roll tables for the jungle
- automatically connect to tokens!
- blank/template battle map
- sounds!
- go through sonniss stuff and categorize it for better soundboard
- campaign organization ideas for all scenes/actors/etc.