
Simple module to create AWS EC2 Instance

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS EC2 Instance Module

This module is intended to create a Single AWS EC2 Instances within a VPC.

The module also allow the attachment of a single EBS volume to the instance.

This module doesn't work to create instances in default VPC or attache EBS volumes.

If you need more detailed configuration for a EC2 Instances I recommend you use the official terraform module for AWS EC2


Input Variables

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
ami string yes ami-01f629e0600d93cef AMI used to build the instance
subnet_id string yes "" Subnet ID withing a VPC
instance_type string yes m5.large EC2 Instance flavor
key_name string yes "" SSH Public key used to connect to the instance
user_data string no "" Script or Template to be injected via cloud-init
vpc_security_group_ids list(string) [] Security Group list
root_volume_size number no 100 Root disk size
ec2_tags map(string) no {} Map of tags in formate key value
owner string no "foo" String to prefix default tags and resource name
associate_public_ip_address bool no true Attach or not a Public ip address
iam_instance_profile string no "" Instance profile name to attach if any
add_ebs bool no false Add a single EBS volume to the EC2 instance
size number no 50 EBS volume size
type string no "gp2" EBS volume type
ebs_tags map(string) no {} Map of string tags to be attached to the EBS volume


The outputs available are the following

Name Description
instance_id Instance ID
public_ip Instance Public IP if used in the public subnet
public_dns Instance Public FQDN


The full example can be found in Examples directory.