
Complement Flame with APIs for handling shapes and geometric operations.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Warning: This repo is archived.

On Flame 1.0.0, flame_geom is built-in on Flame. Please ignore this repo/package.


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Complement Flame with APIs for handling shapes and geometric operations.


This package makes heavy use of Flame's Position class and includes several geometric structures:

  • LineSegment: represents a finite line segment between two points in a 2D Euclidian space (or sometimes the whole line).
  • Circle: represents a circle (or sometimes a circumference) in 2D Euclidian space.
  • Rectangle: represents an axis-aligned rectangle in a 2D Euclidian space.
  • Overlapable: generic interface for shapes that can overlap one another.

If working with integer precision, it might also be useful to take a look at some integer versions of these classes:

  • IntPosition: similar to Position but for integers.
  • IntRect: similar to Rectangle but for integers.
  • IntBounds: similar to Overlapple but for integers.


The example folder contains a playground for you to render a Flame game using shapes computed by Flame Geom.