Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software :desktop_computer: :camera_flash:
Pinned issues
- 10
mac arm apple silicon support
#3824 opened by guyulmaz - 4
XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP should not be used as a compositor capability check.
#3850 opened by averageluadev - 0
Filename Editor label is cutoff
#3866 opened by volovikariel - 1
Take screenshot of active window
#3864 opened by peter099 - 0
Add filename editor option to use the Title or the Name of the front-most window for naming
#3861 opened by nick-s-b - 5
Save Path Changes and Causes Error Randomly
#3845 opened by Cboughton - 3
- 5
Cannot zoom-in a pinned captured image on Macbook
#3831 opened by elad2109 - 0
Context menu option to order pinned/floating captures
#3858 opened by sadan4 - 1
Fractional Scaling. The image is enlarged when the area is captured. (Question)
#3852 opened by DmitrySkibitsky - 1
- 0
Can you add a function to record GIF animations
#3855 opened by luyanfeng - 1
Add a refresh function in dialog taskbar similar to close and open the software again
#3839 opened by andreescocard - 0
Flameshot Tray Icon Behavior: Ubuntu GNOME Shows Menu, Kali GNOME Directly Opens Screenshot
#3853 opened by msjahid - 2
"Show X and Y dimensions" icon font too big
#3804 opened by thdoan - 6
Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
#3842 opened by mmahmoudian - 0
Support HDR screenshots on Linux
#3849 opened by fililip - 3
`flameshot gui` mirrors screen on-screen when invoked
#3836 opened by shawnyeager - 6
Cannot capture on secondary screen
#3814 opened by amozeo - 5
Flameshot does not work well with several monitors
#3844 opened by muellert - 0
Please add saved file to the system's "recent files"
#3843 opened by AndKe - 1
Print Selected Image
#3841 opened by edersilvago - 0
- 12
Flameshot only takes a screenshot of non-primary monitor and a bit of primary monitor
#3811 opened by Yannick138 - 0
MacOS 15.3 - Opens in Different Window
#3838 opened by STELLUGHHHHHHHH - 0
Return to edit from pinned image
#3837 opened by ScharrerZie - 1
Screenshot is taken from magnified screen when using KDE's full screen zoom (magnification) accessibility feature
#3835 opened by fan711 - 1
Persistent screenshot window
#3834 opened by julianschoep - 2
Windows Hotkey Print Screen greyed out
#3810 opened by natiT - 1
- 0
Enhancement: Change menubar icon macOS.
#3829 opened by aspauldingcode - 4
Option to auto select full screen
#3823 opened by Initdd - 3
extract text from a screen area using OCR tools?
#3827 opened by zhilongjia - 5
API error when uploading image to Imgur
#3805 opened by thdoan - 0
- 0
Windows disappearing when pressing PrtScr - occurs randomly and change language to english
#3825 opened by 666xan666 - 0
QObject::connect: No such signal QPlatformNativeInterface::systemTrayWindowChanged(QScreen*)
#3820 opened by dzintars - 2
[wayland] Option to use the overlay layer
#3819 opened by draxil - 2
appImage repo is archived :(
#3815 opened by vitaly-zdanevich - 0
Config Option: Default Active Tool Size
#3812 opened by sneukam - 1
Add paint tools for zig-zag and ondulated lines
#3801 opened by Patrikkks - 0
Text tool does not work when using a Latin Script
#3813 opened by kbkozlev - 2
2 year old version.
#3808 opened by jkw - 1
flameshot v11.0.0 from linux mint 21.3 xfce gives 3 possible rootkits with rkhunter -c
#3809 opened by flyingrhinonz - 1
- 1
- 0
- 0
Invert and add border to entire screenshot.
#3802 opened by jieming7 - 1
Flameshot hangs on KDE 6 Wayland
#3800 opened by FrostleafChan - 1
Does not work on external monitor
#3799 opened by maxpiratemax