
Deployless is inspired by the Serverless framework and allows to deploy functions on Serverless Environments with strong focus on python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Deployless is inspired by the Serverless framework and allows to deploy functions on Serverless Environments with strong focus on python and Openwhisk.

Deployless exists mainly because I missed the functionality to deploy python actions that need a virtual environment or custom dependencies.

Supported Platforms

  • OpenWhisk

Supported Languages

  • Python 3.6


  • Python 3.7 (tested manually)
  • Docker


  • clone the repository and move the src/deployless.py file to your $PATH using mv src/deployless.py $PATH/deployless
  • Example for Ubuntu: sudo cp deployless.py /usr/local/bin/deployless
  • in your project root create a deployless.yaml

This is the configuration file of your deployless project. It contains all the actions and configurations for this actions.

The following configuration will create the actions hello-world and requirements-action:

service_name: example

  platform: openwhisk
  ignore-certs: true
  auth: 23bc46b1-71f6-4ed5-8c54-816aa4f8c502:123zO3xZCLrMN6v2BKK1dXYFpXlPkccOFqm12CdAsMgRU4VrNZ9lyGVCGuMDGIwP

    main: src/testfunctions/hello-world/hello-world.py
    kind: python:3
    web: true
    dependencies: [src/utils/someutil.py]
    requirements: src/testfunctions/requirements-test/requirements.txt
    main: src/testfunctions/requirements-test/requirements-test.py
    kind: python:3
    timeout: 100000
    memory: 256
    logs: 1
    concurrency: 1

    components: [/guest/hello-world, /guest/requirements-action]

The dependencies keyword allows you to add a list of python files that are coupled to this action. They will be uploaded with this action and it will be able to access them. For the example of hello-world this happens by using import someutil. If you want to test the function locally you can use the following:

    import someutil
except ImportError:
    import src.utils.someutil

The minimal configuration is currently a provider containing platform, api-host, auth.

The minimal configuration for an action is currently the main file, containing a main method, and the kind.


Run deployless in your project root to deploy your actions

Run deployless --run <action_name> to invoke a action and get its results

Run deployless --clear to delete all actions that are configured in your deployless.yaml

Missing Features

  • platform
    • use wsk file if api-host and auth are not provided
  • framework
    • functionality to create projects using --init
  • tests :)