
Simple command line interface to duckduckgo. Access instant answers and results from your terminal!

Example Usage

You may like to export your PATH to include the path to the cloned repository. Then you could run the script without referencing its path.

ddg "chrome" | less # query duckduckgo with the search term "chrome", pipe to less

ddg "freebsd" -m 10 # -m sets the max results to display to 10

ddg -r 2 -b 'firefox' # access result #2 in the specified browser (opened via command line)

ddg -n # access the next page of results

The script can be used as a Unix filter, meaning that it can be used as an intermediary in a command pipeline, taking input from stdin and outputting to stdout:

Say for whatever reason, you're getting this error message from mount and you want to pipe it to ddg and see if stackoverflow exists in the results:

redirect mount's stderr to stdin, pipe to ddg setting max results to 10, grep for "stackoverflow" with 5 lines of context: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt 2>&1 | ddg -m 10 | grep -C 5 "stackoverflow" | less # not that you would ever do this :)
