
A simple Task management system as warmup project

Primary LanguagePython

summary and introduction

this is a simple task management system powered by FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL and alembic. main functionalities are a CRUD on a task database with "id", "title", "description", "creation_date", "due_date", "done" columns.

visit it's OpenAPI doc at root/docs address.

features list, current and future

currently it has only some features for retrieveing tasks and a simple CRUD on them

Current features

  • CRUD
    • create task with title and description and due date (last two are optional)
    • update task based on specific id
    • delete task based on specific id
    • view task, as a list or with specific id
  • Searching with query params
    • search with title
    • search with description
    • search with a range for creation date
    • search with a range for due date
    • search with done status

upcoming features and tasks

  • implement user functionality and database
  • implement security with login and JWT for users.
  • implement best practices based on "clean code", "API design", "FastAPI", "SQLAlchemy", "Postgres" and other used tools.
  • add build and deploy code with docker and other tools for building proccess
  • add frontend
  • add tests with pytest and postman
  • review and edit docs, add comments to code, edit readme and add runner and required commands for run and view project and and other explanatory texts