
Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Tools for LiveConfig

Warning LiveConfig overwrites your certificate-files. This Script links the LiveConfig certificates with your Let's Encrypt certificates.

To keep your LiveConfig entries up-to-date this script updates the entries in the LiveConfig database.

Its current not possible to Update the privatekey because the private key is stored encrypted in the LiveConfig database.

If you run an update of your lets encrypt certificate certbot will create a new privatekey every time.

If you update your certificates with certbot, LiveConfig will overwrite your private key with your old private key.

This Problem is currently not solved!

le2lc.php helps you sync your Let's Encrypt certificates with LiveConfig.

  • scans your Let's Encrypt directory for certificates
  • scans your LiveConfig database for certificates
  • checks if there is a Let's Encrypt certificate for your LiveConfig certificate
  • adds a symlink from the LiveConfig certificate file to the Let's Encrypt certificate file
  • checks if one of the certificates is about to expire
  • updates the certificates with certbot
  • backups the LiveConfig database
  • updates the LiveConfig database with the new certificate details


At first you need a running certbot (certbot/certbot-auto renew --dry-run runs without any errors)

I suggest the webroot method: https://certbot.eff.org/docs/using.html#webroot


certbot-auto certonly --webroot -w /var/www/example/htdocs/ -d www.example.com -d example.com

If you made a certificate for multiple subdomains Let's Encrypt tries to find the same .well-known folder on all subdomains.

You can use your main domain as webroot and add symlinks to your subdomains, if they are in the same package.

/var/www/example/htdocs/subdomain/.well-known => /var/www/example/htdocs/.well-known/

Configuration (TBD)

TBD: There is a configfile in /etc/lc-tools/lc-tools.conf to configure it.

TBD: All configuration-parameters are also available as command line options, also there is a rudimentary --help option.