
This will eventually be on my website, for now it lives on anagora.org. My public ramblings

Primary LanguageJavaScript

I suggest you read [[Why]] first.

Hey, I am Evan, this is one of the various descriptions of me to be found online. This page serves as some sort of landing as you venture into my mind as it is opened to you. You might be reading this from [[anagora]], maybe from my own website. Regardless, I am happy you are here.

I write about what's on my mind. Programming, Politics, Writing, Academia, Music, Video games, Skiing, Photography, Social Justice and Climate change, Struggles, My life.

Be forwarned, my intellect is significantly below that of my peers. I don't study science, I don't write professionally. I am but a guy with a computer, trying to make sense of this world. The writing here is raw, and unedited, mostly [[For me]]. If you are undaunted, press onward.