
Installs samba-server as docker container.

System requirements

  • Docker
  • Systemd

Role requirements

  • python-docker package

What does this role

  • Build docker image locally
  • Create volume paths for docker container
  • Template the samba config
  • Setup systemd unit file
  • Start/Restart service

Role parameters

Main config

Variable Type Mandatory? Default Description
samba_package_version text no 4.7.4-r0 The current samba package version, look at: alpine samba package
image_name text no local/samba-server Docker image name
image_version text no same of samba_package_version Docker image version
container_name text no samba.service The name of the docker container
interface ip address no Mapped network for web-interface ports
port port no Default port (TCP): 445
config_volume path no Path to config volume
log_volume path no Path to log volume
workgroup text no WORKGROUP The default Samba workgroup
server_string text no "%h server (Samba, Alpine)" The default Samba server string
storages array of objects no The samba storage configuration

The site storages is a list of storage objects:

Property Type Mandatory? Description
name text no The name of the storage
path path no The internal path of the storage (within docker-container)
host_path path no The external path of the storage (on the host system)
comment text no The comment of the storage
browseable boolean no Is the storage browseable?
writable boolean no Is the storage writable?
guest_access boolean no Do guests have access?
write_list list of text no Names of accounts with write permission

Example Playbook

Usage (without parameters):

- hosts: servers
     - { role: install-samba }

Usage (with parameters):

- hosts: servers
  - role: install-samba
    port: 445
    config_volume: /srv/docker/samba
    log_volume: /var/log/samba
    - name: Share
      path: /share
      host_path: /srv/docker/samba/share
      comment: Share storage
      browseable: true
      writable: true
      guest_access: true
      - flandi