Highlight All - Extension for Google Chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fgnkddoolcfhpoccklnhlpdellmpjbnm Please note, some code is copied from other projects: Highlighting is powered by a modified version of searchhi_slim.js: http://www.tedpavlic.com/post_simple_inpage_highlighting_example.php Color conversion: http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript Release Notes: 0.37 * Updated description 0.36: * A mouse click now clears the highlight (uncheck "clear between selections" if you need it to persist) * The browser's selection will not be lost, so you can easily copy the text 0.35: * Removed unnecessary files * Maximum words reduced to 50 * Lightened random colors 0.34: * Repaired issue where options were not being applied when tabs changed * Corrected word limit safeguard to prevent browser from crashing 0.33: * Support for files (Chrome does not currently support context menu for files) * Options page was removed until issue with custom highlight color is resolved 0.30: * Colors alternate when Clear Between Selections is not checked 0.27: * Ignores right click to eliminate odd behavior associated with CTRL key * Code optimizations 0.26: * Hold ctrl key to temporarily enable "Highlight on Selection" when it is not checked * Fixed 0.25 bug where "Highlight Selection" action did not work. 0.25: * Hold ctrl key to disable highlighting when "Highlight on Selection" is checked. * The selection will not clear if the same selection is made twice. 0.24: * Search for full selection(splitting selection into separate words is an option) * Separate word highlighting limited to 25 to prevent browser from crashing. * All settings are stored between sessions * Command button in toolbar with same options as context menu * Options page where the highlight color can be set (text color is automatic) * Settings in context menu are always available, even when right-clicking selection
Extension for Chrome browser for highlighting all occurrences of a selected word.