FAsset Closed Beta

This repository is a virtual control environment for the FAssets closed beta participants. It will be updated for each new closed beta scenario, allowing users to pull the latest version to set up their environment.


IMPORTANT:_ All actions must be executed from this repository directory using bash (*.sh) scripts without changing the directory.

ℹ️ All actions should be executed from this directory; navigating elsewhere is unnecessary.

💻 Linux operating system preferred. macOS also may work, but use at your own risk.

⌨️ All communication regarding the scenario schedule will be communicated on Telegram.

🔢 Use the yarn version that is included with this tool.

First Time Setup

Follow the steps below to set up your local environment for the first time. If you have set the environment before, go to Scenario Setup.

  1. Clone the repository end and enter the folder

    git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/flare-foundation/fasset-closed-beta.git
    cd fasset-closed-beta
  2. If you don't have the secrets.json file set up, see Secrets guide; otherwise, follow the next step;

  3. Place your secrets.json file in the fasset-closed-beta folder under the name secrets.json;

  4. Use these values in the secrets.json file for the native_rpc and indexer under the apiKey key:

    • "native_rpc": "AavSehMLhcgz3crQHH5YJ3Rt8GMQGdV9aViGilADXGnTcjij"
    • "indexer": "123456"
  5. Obtain the API key via registering on Telegram - follow the Telegram guide;

  6. Go to Agent Owner Registry smart contract, connect via Metamask with your management.address from the secrets.json, and call setWorkAddress with your secrets.owner.native.address as an argument. Remember that this is a different smart contract from the official docs for the FAssets Open Beta.

Scenario Setup

For each new scenario, follow the steps below:

  1. Initialize repository:
  2. Ensure that the configuration is correct and that the output is green.
  3. Continue using the Scenario Testing Tool and join the scenario there.
  4. If you need to answer some questions about the Scenario Testing Tool, refer to this document or ask on Telegram from one of the Flare Developer Relations engineers.

Additional Setup


If you do not have the secrets.json file, you should follow the below steps:

  1. Make sure you came here from First Time Setup,
  2. Generate a management address - this is an EVM address that will control your agent for the duration of the closed/open beta,
  3. Obtain secrets.json by running:
    ./gen-secrets.sh <management_address>
  4. Fund your secrets.owner.native.address and secrets.user.native.address with some CFLR from the this Faucet, and some testXRP from the this faucet.


To register and get your closed beta API key, do the following:

  1. Go to our FAsset Telegram bot,
  2. Start the bot by running /start, then click Register, and input the required info, including your user address that is user.native.address from the secrets.json file,
  3. Wait for us to confirm your registration info,
  4. Run (send message) /events, click Subscribe to Events, and receive your API key.
  5. To subscribe to receiving agent events on Telegram, put the API key from the last step in the local config.json file under apiKey in the current fasset-closed-beta directory.